Part 9

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Tzuyu's POV

I was weakly walking to the living room. My hands were trembling..

What if she doesn't like me back?

What if I'll just ruin our friendship like how I did before..?

I'll do it.. I'll never know what her answer will be if I never ask right?

I tap her shoulder and she turned to look at me..

Her deep dark eyes were already perfect, her body proportions.. Everything..

" Hey, Mina? "

" Yes? "

" Can I tell you something, I've been wanting to tell you a long time ago? "

" of course! What is it? "

" Well.. U see.. I like this girl.. She's cute, beautiful.. Perfect.. " I saw her smile faded.. It's like she wanted to cry..

" don't you have a girlfriend though? " she said looking away..

" no.. Yuna and I were just pretending.. "

Her face lightneded up but soon turned back to a frown..

" and who's that girl you like? "

" You.. "

" oh.. Okay- wait.. What? "

" I like you Myoui Mina.. Ever since I laid my eyes on you, my world lightened up.. I have been admiring you for quite a long time now.. But I just can't seem to tell you. I'm worried that, it can ruin our friendship.. " I said as I looked away from her..

I can't look at her eyes..

" you know Tzuyu.. " she said as she cupped my right cheek, making me face her..

" I like someone too.. "

" oh i-is that so? Well then, sorry for bothering yo- " she Cutted me off as she suddenly kissed me..

She was waiting for me to respond as I do so..

She pulled off as she smiled at me..

" you know.. I like you too.. " she said as she slapped my head.

" What was that for?! " I said as I was rubbing the back of my head..

" for not sleeping yet.. " she said as she laid back down on her bed and slept..


I went to my room, seeing Yuna, Wonyoung, Lisa, Rose, Chae and Dahyun grinning at me..

" Um? " I asked confused.

" you know Tzuyu.. We watched a good show.. " Rosé said as she went back to sleep, followed by the others..

What the heck is wrong with people these days..?

I went to sleep..

I woke up to the sound of repetitive dinging..

The others weren't there..

I checked my phone to see messages popping up..

I took a look at some messages..


GodHyomas: OMG! Tzuyu is grown up now.. I'm so proud..

EagleDubu: I know right!

NabongBunny: ACK! I'm so happy for them!

SavageTzuYoda: What the fuck are you guys talking about?

SquirrelSana: Nothing, bitch! Definitely not watching Dahyun's video of you and Mina kissing and confessing to each other..

SavageTzuYoda: Dahyun! You sneaky eagle!

StrawBerryCub: We can see you blushing from our room, Tzuyu-ah~

SavageTzuYoda: SHUT UP

JeongStritch: Mina and Tzuyu confessing their feelings! k-i-s-s-i-n-g!

JokbalDanceMochine: I'm happy for you bro! I knew you guys will end up together..

Sigh.. These guys.. When will they stop being idiotic?

I walked out if my room seeing 7 idiotic idiots grinning at me and a still sleeping penguin..

I walked to the kitchen as I made some toast and some pancakes for us. 

" Tzuyu-ah.. Your penguin is waking up.. " Jihyo unnie told me..

I blushed as I heard her words..

" shut up unnie! "


I just rolled my eyes as I started to eat my toast and my pancakes..

Someone hugged me from behind..

A sleepy penguin smiling at me..

I hugged back..

" ooh~ stop making out so early in the morning! " Dahyun said..

We both blushed as we pulled away.

" shut up you eagle.. Go make out with Sana or something.. "

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