Part 17

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Tzuyu's POV

I woke up early in the morning, I smiled as I saw a beautiful penguin beside me..

I kissed her forehead as I sat up and went to Chae and Dahyun's room..

" Wake up, hyungs..  Jungkook called us already.." I said as I was shaking them up..

They immediently sat up and nodded as they opened a secret closet..

3rd person's pov

They changed their clothes into assassin like clothing.. They brought some knives and guns as they ran into the closet..

What they didn't know was Mina was watching them..

Mina's instincts, she follows them..

" Jungkook! Jimin is here already? " Tzuyu shouted..

" Yeah, he is hiding, plus, he bought people with him.. " Jungkook replied..

Before Mina could react, a man suddenly pulled her into a deep dark secret room..

" YAH! let go! " she screamed.

Tzuyu's ears perked up as he heard Mina's voice..

" Mina? " he said as he ran as fast as he could to a dark room where he heard Mina's voice..

Suddenly, a guy bangs his head with a metal bar as Tzuyu's head started to bleed..

His vision was blurry and he was very dizzy..

" JUNGKOOK! THEYRE HERE! " he was able to shout before he fell unconscious..

Mina's POV

A guy pulls me to a room as he tied me up in a chair..

They opened some lights, only showing their faces..

I saw The Jimin guy there.. I immediently knew they are enemies..

My ears perked up as I heard Tzuyu say my name..

He entered the room, but as soon as he did, Jimin guy bangs his head with a metal bar..

I wasn't able to say anything as I started to panic.

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