Part 21

794 21 3

Tzuyu's POV

As soon as the others left, I was feeling a bit of tension between me and Mina..

I felt uncomfortable after I said what I said a while ago..

So does she..

It's like, we still have something missing..

" Wanna watch a movie? " I asked her..

" sure.. " she says as she smiled at me..

I turned on the TV and watched a horror movie..

Me and Mina were just hugging and cuddling the whole movie..

And I'm surprised, she is not scared anymore..

Chae's POV

we were already eating when someone called me..

I thought it was Tzuyu.. But it was Jungkook..

He said that we should be careful..

I looked back at Dahyun as he was looking at me..

Suddenly, all the lights went off and I fell unconscious..

I woke up in a dark room, tied up with my friends..

The others were still unconscious..

Suddenly, Jimin was in front of me..

He opened the lights and stared at a specific person..

I adjusted my sight as I was shocked to see who it is..

Mina, crying..

" WHAT DO YOU WANT NOW JIMIN?! " I shouted as the others were waking up..

" I just want to get revenge.. I don't need you guys here but I'm sure, you guys are hopeless without.. " he said as he was pulling a chair with a guy, tied up.. And looks like he was beaten up..

My eyes widened as I saw who it is as Mina cried harder..

It was Tzuyu, looks dissapointed, has cuts and bruises..

" Why do you have to always beat up my brother you stupid BASTARD?! " Dahyun hyung shouted.. He was trying to cut the ropes off..

" Stop interfering if you don't want me to kill your stupid brother.. " Jimin said while holding a knife by Tzuyu's neck..

" Now, let's see how you will react if we have some little fun with this idiot.." he said as he punched Tzuyu's face..

" STOP! " I said as I was trying to stand up..

He punched Tzuyu again as I was just watching him get beaten up..

Sana and Momo were crying while Mina.. I'm sure Mina is hurt seeing Tzuyu biting beaten up..

Dahyun was raging..

" W-why do you even need them here if you're just gonna make them watch m-me get beaten up you stupid coward?! " Tzuyu said as Jimin punched him again..

" They will just help you against me. It will be an unfair match.. So, I'll let them go but You and Mina are staying here.. " Jimin said as he took the knife and stabbed Tzuyu's arm..

" NO! Tzuyu! " I said as Dahyun and I started to cry.. They untied us as he pulled us to the exit..

" TZUYU! " I screamed as I heard Tzuyu groan.. I was banging on the door..

Mina's POV

the others were set free, while me, I'm watching Tzuyu dying..

" what do you want?! " I shouted as I cried harder..

" you know what I want! Now.. Be mine or watch this stupid boyfriend of yours to die! " he shouted as he stabbed Tzuyu's stomach..

I was speechless..

" TELL ME YOU LOVE ME! " he screamed as he punched Tzuyu again..

" don't worry about me Mina.. " Tzuyu said while tears started to form in his eyes as he coughed some blood out..

Jimin was about to stab Tzuyu again when I stopped him..

" Fine! I love you! But please.. Let him go.. " I said as I cried harder..

Jimin smiled evilly.

" good girl.. " He said as he was approaching me..

I smiled weakly at Tzuyu who was full of anger and sadness..

" but you know.. " Jimin said.. He walked closer to Tzuyu..

" I lied about letting him go.. " he said as my world crumbled to pieces..

He stabbed Tzuyu once again as Tzuyu finally closes his eyes..

" TZUYU! NO! " I shouted as I was trying to run to Tzuyu..

Chae burst through the door and carried me outside as he punched Jimin unconscious..

" Tzuyu!! " I shouted as I cried all my tears out as I saw Tzuyu there.. Lying lifeless..

It ain't the end yet!

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