Part 15

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Maknae Line Rules

SavageTzuYoda: Yah, Jungkook said Jimin is planning on how to get revenge on me..

EagleDubu: Pfft, you think Jimin can fight you? Plus, if he hurts you, Minari will probably rip that guy to pieces.

StrawBerryCub: Hyung has a point there..

TallYuna: Yeah boi.. A single scratch and Mina unnie will kill Jimin..

SavageTzuYoda: Welp, thanks for telling me! Now I'll just target my love first..

InnocentWonyoung: What are you talking about oppa?

SquirrelRose: YAH! TZUYU IS JIMIN! we went to Tzuyu's dorm and saw Tzuyu tied up and Jimin using his phone..

SavageTzuYoda: Yah! You brat!

LisaMommaNoban: Protect Mina for now.. Jimin is in your dorm..

Chae's POV

me and my brother quickly ran to Mina unnie's dorm before Jimin comes..

" Mina unnie please stay by our side for now.. Tzuyu is still unconscious so we need to be the one with you.. " Dubu explained..

" W-what do you mean 'unconscious' ?" she asked..

Just in time, Jimin entered Mina's room

" UHG! Why do you guys always have to be on your stupid brother's side?! All I want is Mina! She was supposed to be mine before that stupid brother of yours was born! "He said..

" He's not stupid you stupid selfish BASTARD! " Dahyun screamed and punched Jimin's face, leaving him with a nosebleed..

Jimin was about to punch Dahyun back when someone holds his fist..

" Don't get innocent into this, you annoying BISH.. " Tzuyu said with a cut on his hand..

" I thought I tied you up!? " Jimin said..

" You did, but I cut myself to get out of it.. Now, hurt Mina and my brothers, prepare for a living hell.. " He said with a very scary tone..

Jimin raged and tried to punch Tzuyu but Tzuyu punched him first.

" You idiot! " Jimin screamed at Tzuyu..

" All I ever wanted was Mina! But you came along and ruined my chance! " Jimin said..

" You wanted her but did she want you? " Tzuyu said as he threw Jimin out of the house as Jimin ran away..

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