Chapter 8:

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Heeyyyyyyyy everyone! I take it your all having a Great day! Yay! If not, you can come and talk to me because I'm happy to help! ^^ Anyway here's the next chapter, the day she goes to school, oooooooo suspense! XD anyway heeeeerrrrreeee goooooeessss!!! X)

The horrendous day had finally come. School. Nothing could stop her from feeling afraid, vulnerable, like a little girl in need of their mummy. No! She was a warrior! She could get through this! .........If only she felt that way.

She was packing her bag, checking, double checking and even triple checking she had everything, when she heard a knock at the door. She looked to where her hands were frozen in her bag. "Come in." She sighed, still not even bothering to look up to see who it was. But she didn't need to see, she would recognise that voice anywhere. "Dear I know your nervous but I promise everything will be ok." Mrs Beakly approached her worried granddaughter, trying to soothe her worries. Trying. "How can you promise something like that granny?" She looked at her grandmother with fierce eyes as room fell silent until a familiar voice came at the door. "Because we'll be there to help you." Webby and her grandmother looked to the door to see three similar boys, with colour coded outfits and their own unique personality.

Huey's words had not done anything. Help her? How could they help her when not even her own granny could? The duck that had been with her during her entire life had failed to help her. She'd doubt the boys would help, let alone Huey. The boys looked into Mrs Beakly's eyes, sending her a nod as she sighed once again and left the room.

After a moment of silence Louie sighed in defeat. "Webs look, I know you're upset about your.........current state.........but things will get better. It'll be ok." He kneeled down and placed his hand on her shoulder. Though he didn't exactly know what she was going through he knew the feeling of fear. He knew what it was like to try and hide the feeling of fear. He knew what it was like to try to hold a reputation. He knew what it was like holding in all his feelings. He had been like that his whole life. Hiding from his fears. Trying to uphold a reputation. Trying to show he wasn't weak, but deep inside, he knew he was. As did Webby.

Webby, still focusing on her hand that we're now in her lap, spoke with a sigh, "How do you know?" Louie's words had not effected her in anyway, she had not known the pain he had gone through. But then again, he had not known the pain she had gone through. Much to everyone's discomfort, she had been like this since.........the incident. One of the scariest moments of their entire life. It was like the spear of Selene all over again. Except this time it seemed there was no getting over it.

"Because we'll make sure of it." Dewey stepped forward, a look of determination on his face as Webby finally looked up at him.

Dewey hadn't said anything in a while. It had seemed losing his mum was hardest for him. He almost lost his best friend too and that left him in shock, even to that day but he was never one to break a promise, unless it was to one of his uncles or Huey. He would protect Webby with his life. Nothing like that would happen again.

His gaze of determination turned into a sympathetic one as he gave a sigh and kneeled down in front of his best friend. "Webby look.........we can't say we know what you're going through and we can't say it'll be easy either, but everything will get better, trust us. Trust me." Those last two words had lifted her heart. Dewey and Webby were so alike. Dewey was adventurous. Webby was adventurous. Dewey was dare-deviling. Webby was dare-deviling. Nothing could seperate them. It seemed Webby had forgotten that and hearing him say those words warmed her heart as she felt a small smile grow on her.

"We promise we won't let anything bad happen to you." Huey finally spoke, speaking the famous words from Scrooge McDuck. On Mount Neverest he told them he wouldn't let anything bad happen to them, yet he failed, looked how much they had been through. Look how much she had been through.

This time, though, it was different. The words were coming from three boys she always wanted to trust but never knew she could. However, there reassuring smiles had seemed pretty convincing. Webby was a master spy, or at least she thought she was. She couldn't mess this up. She wouldn't mess this up. Her heart was telling her she could trust them, so with no other choice she finally decided to follow her heart, hoping she was making the right decision.

With a sigh, a smile finally grew on her lips as it spread to them too. "Thanks guys." She smiled as they joined in a group embrace.

Little did they know Mrs Beakly was watching at the door and the contagious smile they had carried reached her as she had seen something in her granddaughter she hoped to see but hadn't seen in a while. A smile. It was heart-warming to say the least. Seeing her granddaughter finally happy made her happy. It had been a while since she had seen that beautiful smiling face and it was amazing.

Mrs Beakly watched as the boys raced out the door with Webby, Dewey pushing her wheelchair as they all laughed. "Bet you can't beat me!" Huey yelled running past a laughing Louie, Webby and Dewey. "Dewey faster!" Webby laughed as Dewey pushed her as fast as he could, running past Huey and Louie.

The three boys shared a glance of relief as they saw a smiling face they thought they would never see again. Webby's smiling face.

They finally ran down to the door, Huey and Louie allowing Webby and Dewey to win their little race. Whatever would keep her smiling, they would do it.

"We won! We won!" Webby chanted as she high-fived Dewey. "Yeah!" Dewey yelled throwing one arm in the air as the other rested on Webby's wheelchair. Louie and Huey shared another look of relief as their wish had come true. They saw a face that had been happier than happy itself. A face they hadn't seen since before the incident. The face. Her face. Webby's smile was all they needed to brighten up their day.

They stopped in front of the door, each with a joyful smile across their face. Scrooge saw this as the smile spread to him as well. "Are ye ready?" He asked looking at the boys. "I'm ready." Huey and Louie stated in unison, with a look of determination. "I'm ready." Dewey stated afterwards, before all their attention was drawn to Webby who had not spoken a word yet. Finally, she sighed and look up at a slightly worried Scrooge.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

Ready as I'll ever be! Can anyone guess where that's from? If you do I'll give you a shoutout! XD This chapter was dedicated to @GyvraLus545 because she encouraged me to keep going with this story and she was just so kind and I can't thank her enough! Go follow her! X) anyway thanks for reading guys! Have a great day/night!

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