Chapter 11

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As he slowly opened his aching eyes, Tim realised that he wasn't in the place he wanted to be.

His knee was aching, and he found it hard to move without a surge of blinding pain running through his body. He's lost a lot of blood. Too much. He tried to move his hand to his wound, but he was too weak. He could barely stay conscious in the state he was currently in.

Suddenly, he felt something resting against his shoulder, and slowly (and painfully) turned his head to see his brother, Jason, slumped next to him. His head was leaning against Tim's shoulder, non-moving.

His face was pasty and as white as paper. He had half-dried blood down the side of his face and under his nose. His shoulder had blood all over it, and he had a deep cut down his leg. Both of their clothes were stained with blood and ripped in numerous places.

Tim looked around at his surroundings, and he realised that they were in the back of a van of some sort. The white doors were two metres in front of them; almost teasing Tim by the way they jiggled. The back of the van must have hit something because one of the doors cracked open slightly before slamming shut again, signalling that it wasn't closed properly.

Tim looked to his left and then right, trying to find something that he could use as a weapon. All he could see were old wooden crates stacked closely together.

Tim tried to separate his hands so that he could crawl to one of them, but he realised that they were duck taped together. He looked at his feet, and saw that they were tied together, as well; the same as his hands. He checked if Jason's were, and saw that his feet and legs were bond up just like his.

"J-Jason," he croaked, unable to get enough sound out. "Jason..." he tried to shove his brother, feeling a piercing sting shoot through his waist and up his spine.

He closed his eyes, and tried to find some strength left in his body. He shoved to his left as hard as he could, and collided with Jason with a burst of shocking pain striking through his weak body.

Jason groaned and shifted his shoulders. "Oww." He moaned loudly, moving his head to the side.

Tim felt like he was a bug in a matchbox, so small and fragile, trapped with little protection. "Jason..."

Jason slowly opened his blurry eyes and tensed up the moment he did. He looked to his right, and saw his brother staring at him with red eyes. Then he remembered the horror of the past events.

"Tim? Where are we? W-what happened?"

Tim tried to clear his throat. "We're in the back of a van," he choked. "I-I don't know where we're going."

Jason noticed the faintness in his brother's voice, and looked over at his knee, seeing that he was still bleeding. He looked up at his brother's face and saw how deathly pale he was. Jason looked into his brother's eyes and saw that his eyelids were struggling to stay open, forcing themselves to close.

"Oh my god..." Jason examined his brother more thoroughly, and noticed that his waist was also bleeding.

Tim rested his head on the wall of the van, swallowing. "I think I might know where they're taking us."

Jason raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Where? Where do you think they're taking us?"

Tim's eyes slowly closed. "I think they're taking us somewhere far..." he paused, swallowing. "Far away..." his shoulders slumped, and his head fell forward slightly.

Jason wrestled against the tape that was binding his hands and feet together, trying desperately to help his younger sibling. He cursed. He began to bang his elbow against the wall of the van, knowing that the driver's seat was there.

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