Chapter 4

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Carters pov:

2 week later. Saturday

    I haven't seen a lot of Matt lately ever sents He started dating that guy Sam. Ugh I hate Sam hes not good enough for Matt. I dont know why im Why Im so jealous im not gay. I now Im not gay. I've thought about it a lot and its not that. It just something about Matt that I have these little feeling for him. Its probably because his my bestfriend.

       I stripped out off my clothes and got in the shower. When I was done I got out and wrapped the towel around my waste and walked out. I throw on a plain black shirt and some sweats and walk downstairs into the kitchen. I reached in the cabinet and grabbed the Fruit loops.(This cereal is awesome.) I grabbed a bowl, a spoon and the milk from the fridge and sat down at the table. I pour my cereal than milk and started eating. My phone started vibrating. "Hello" I answer with a mouthful of cereal not bothering to. "Hey poop" The caller said. "Who is this?" I asked taking another bit of my cereal. "Its Matthew Espinosa, Dont tell me you forgot about me all ready." He joked. "Oh Hey Matt, Whats up?" I asked taking my bowl to the sink. Nothin much, I guess I just wanted to now if you could hangout with me and Sam..... and his cousin Mya?(I dont know if he has a cousin name Mya just go with it) He asked sayin the last part a little fast. "Ohhh so you want me to be the forth wheel, No Matt I dont even know her. I replied. "Please Carter, I just wanted it to be me and Sam but he said she was coming over so I told him you'd come with." He pleaded. "Ugghh How old is she?" I asked not really interested. "She 16, and she a nice girl, very pretty." He tried to convince me. Fine, but you owe me. I gave in. Thanks so much Carter your the best! He squealed excitedly. "Meet me at my house in 10 minutes?" He asked. "Ok." I scuffed.

     I went up stairs and throw on something decent. I grabbed phone and put my shoes on heading for Matts house. I Knocked the door and Matt opened it. Wearing only a towel around his waste. My eyes trailed his body up and down. He pulled me in and closed the door. Carter help me find an outfit. He whined pulling me up to his room.

     I sat on his bed and watch him rumbled through lots of  his clothes. I chuckled watch him at like act teenage girl. "Its not funny Carter help." He pleaded. "Ok." I laughed picking out in outfit. "This is good put this on." I announced. "Thanks Carter" He said getting some underwear and going to his bathroom. He walked in leaving the door slightly open. I watch every second of it trying to look away put my eyes wouldn't let me.         


    Sam texted Matt and said they were here so me and Matt walked outside. Sam got out the car and ran up to Matt. "Hey babe, you look hot!" He complemented Matt embracing him in a hug. Matt blushed. "You do to." Matt responded. Sam leaned and gave Matt a  passionate kiss on his lips. Ugh. I walked over to Sam car and Opened the back door to see a beautiful girl with short blonde hair. She had her phone in her hand when she looked up at me with her beautiful hazelnut eyes and smiled.  "Hi you must be Carter Im Mya." She introduced herself. Yeah, uh Hi. I said getting in the Car. Matt and Sam soon followed. "So where are we going?" I asked. "To see that stupid new scary 'Annabelle'." Maya answered. "Shut Mya your going like it." Sam assured her.


   Me  and Mya took a set in the back and Matt and Sam 3 rolls down to were we had a clear view of were they were. Me and Mya wer hardly watching the movie we were to busy throwing popcorn at each other and random people. I made sure to keep my little small glances at Matt hidden so nobody would notice. "Hey Carter come with me." Mya whispered in my ear.   

      I didnt bother asking where we were going I just took her hand. She lead me to a door. "Where are we?" I asked.  You'll see she replied pulling me into a janitors closet. "What are we doin here---?" She cut me off be slamming her lips onto mine. God this girl who is so beautiful and nice and just my type just kissed me, but for some reason it felt wrong. After about a minute she pulled away . "What wrong?" she asked feel the tension. "We should get back to the movie." I ignored the question opening the door. She grabbed my and and closed it back. It Matthew isn't it. She whispered. I quickly looked to her. " No, What do you mean?" I asked. "Dont lie Carter I see the way you look at him." She exclaimed. I sighed. She open the door and took me to a bench next to the confections stand. "Talk to me, I'll listen." She said.

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