⋙ carl 21 ⋘

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He fiddles with the ring in his fingers, today's the day. He's waiting for you to get back from a run. You have been dating Carl ever since you were fifteen, so five years. Today was the day. He was going to propose. He walks over to Maggie, obviously concerned. You'd been gone for ages.

"Maggie... Do you think... Do you think they're okay?" He asks. Glenn went too. She nods, but her face spells otherwise.

Moments later, they walk through the door.

And you're not there.

"Where is she, then?" He asks. Rick shakes his head, stepping forward. "No."

"Carl, son. I'm-" Carl shakes his head. No. No, he won't believe you're dead. He won't. He can't.

"No, dad. No." He cries. Rick puts his arms around his son, who cries for what seems like the first time in forever. He puts the ring in his fathers hand and cries more.

"Carl," Rick says, tearing up. "She would've said yes."

"Where's her... Where's her... Body." He cringes at the word. Rick walks out the door, and there, lying in the back of the car, is your motionless body. You've got a huge bite in your neck, and scratches down your arms, not to mention bullet hole in your forehead. Carl cries into your stomach, letting the tears wet your shirt. He picks up your left hand, and slides the ring onto your limp finger. Before he collapse onto the floor, he utters one thing. So quiet, nobody can hear it but him.

"Will you marry me?"

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