Chapter 9: Over again.

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The kiss became more passionate, as if we were desperate for each other. She intertwined her legs around my waist and I walked to the wall, her back was against it. I knew this wasn't the correct way, because she was waiting or at least that's what everybody knew. I moved closer to her ear.

'Not this way' I whispered. She looked at me, sadly. 'This is not the right moment, maybe later' I said, putting her on the ground. She walked to the bed and sat down on the edge, ashamed. I walked closer.

'I'm sorry' she whispered. I shook my head.

'Don't be, I'm not sorry.' I replied, trying to comfort her. She smiled at me.

'Put on a t-shirt so we can go to the beach' she said and I nodded, walking to the closet.

We walked to the beach, since it wasn't very far from my hotel. Our hands were intertwined. We sat down in the sand, watching the waves. The weather wasn't the best, it was still cloudy.

'I love LA!' I exclaimed. Lisa laughed.

'I haven't been here in so many years' she stated, playing with the sand. Three girls walked to us.

'Hey' the blonde girl said. Me and Lisa got up.

'Hey' Lisa replied, excited. A brunette girl, probably the shyest, was wearing a t-shirt with Lisa's face, which was totally awkward.

'Nice shirt' I complimented her. Lisa hit my arm. The girls laughed and we took some pictures. After that, we decided to walk back to the hotel, and drive to the hospital, since it was already 6 pm.


We made our way to the 6th floor, where Lauren was waiting for us.

'Just in time!' She exclaimed. I gave her a shy smile. Harry squeezed my hand. We walked inside the room. Kath and Alex were sitting in the couch. I stopped.

'Hey' Kath greeted me. I was confused, I thought she hated me.

'You don't hate me?' I asked. She laughed.

'Why would I? I'm a little bit upset about the fact that you never called or came to visit, but other than that... we're fine!' She exclaimed, giving me a big hug. I smiled.

'What about me?' Alex complained. 'I don't hate you' He added and I ran to hug him. He was taller than before and he looked like Mike. I walked to the side of the bed to hug my dad and then I hugged mom, giving her a kiss in the forehead.

'I'm so happy that you accepted to come here' Mom stated, looking happier than ever. I smiled at her and sat next to Harry.

'So.. Are you two...?' Kath asked.

'They don't know' Lauren and Dad replied at the same time, making me laugh hysterically. I lay down on harry's chest while he was stroking my back. I felt a flashlight.

'You took a photo?' I asked shocked. Lauren laughed.

'Yes I did, you looks so cute together' She said giggling. I looked at Harry and he was smiling like an idiot. I was settling down when my phone rang. I looked at the screen, Unknown number.

'Hello?' I answered, getting up from the couch and walking to the window.

'You and Styles... hmm I see that you moved on pretty fast' It was Thomas.

'What do you want? I remember clearly that I told to stay away from me, from my life.' I snapped. He laughed.

'Lets clear this up. If you're not with me, then you're with no one, okay?' He dictated, making me laugh.

'You're so insane. I'm not your property, we broke up because you're an asshole. Those things can't change. Now please, go get a life' I said, ending the call. I turned around, everybody was looking at me. Harry was frowning.

'Who was that?' He asked, concerned. I was about to explain what just happened, when I felt my phone vibrating in my hand. A text message.

'I already told you, you better stay away from him, otherwise he will suffer the consequences. Don't show anyone this message or you'll end up dead. I'll keep in touch. Thomas' My skin went cold, giving me goosebumps. Harry looked at me confused.

'Nothing, just a fan. You know how life is' I lied, laughing. He nodded, probably not believing in my answer. An hour later, we decided that it was time for me to go back to my house, well.. hotel room. Harry offered to take me home but I refused to.

'C'mon Lisa, don't be stubborn. You don't have a car, He can take you home' Lauren said to me, trying to convince me.

'No, Lauren seriously, I want to walk' I replied, obviously annoyed by her insistence. Harry just looked at me, knowing that probably something was wrong with me.

'Okay, If you want to go by yourself, at least let me walk you outside the hospital' Harry offered. I sighed, knowing that this was probably the best option that I had.

'Fine' I replied. I hugged everybody and then walked out, with harry holding my hand. It felt amazing to have him to protect me, but I knew Thomas would do anything to take him away from me. I was scared, I needed to protect Harry.

'We are here' He said as we walked out of the building. I smiled.

'Yeah, thank you' I said, kissing his cheek. He frowned, but I walked away before he could say anything. I didn't even had a route, I was just walking. After some 10 or 15 minutes, somebody tapped my shoulder. Harry, I thought.

'Harry, I told you not to follow me' I said, turning around. It wasn't Harry, it was Thomas. 'What are you doing here?' I asked.

'Just checking on you' He said, smiling creepily. You could smell the alcohol miles away.

'Okay' I said turning around. He grabbed my arm. 'What the heck do you want, Thomas?' I asked annoyed.

'you' He smirked at me. My heart stopped, I looked around not knowing where I exactly was. That's when I realized... I was screwed.

** I'm really sorry! I know I haven't updated in like 2 years and this chapter is very short :/, i'm truly sorry. But here I am haha. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, vote and comment yaaas.

ILY <3


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