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Requested by - @_melisateh_

Requested by - @_melisateh_

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It was the time of the month, the month where your stomach kicked and cramped. My boyfriend had gone to his friends house to write more songs for their fans and their upcoming gig. And yes, my boyfriend is Tom from Chapter 13 but nobody knows we are together. We prefer it that way.

I was lay on the bed, my eyes half-closed, I was exhausted and my body felt numb. It was like I couldn't move - cramps are so painful that sometimes I even have to cancel my plans.
I lean over the bed to grab the glass of water before drinking it and placing it back down earning a bang from the table.

"Ugh" I groan, clutching my stomach.

Why are periods so annoying and painful?

And guys complain about being kicked in this nuts. sure it hurts but for like 5 minutes.. this is 5 days are just fucking torture

I close my eyes trying to fall asleep to numb the pain and cause I'm just tired but it doesn't exactly work and my stomach stung like it has never done before. I moan before grabbing my phone and messaging Tom, my boyfriend to distract myself.


abisgold - the dick:

'my period is really hurting'
'when will you be home?'

'what's wrong?'
'im at practice rn'

'im fucking bleeding rn bitch.'

'well im at practice'
'what do you want me to do?'

'can't you come home?'

'you know im practicing for the gig'

'im about to die dickhead'
'get your ass over here'

'alright, im coming mum..'
'let me tell them, okay?'

'okay, thank you (;'


I smile a little knowing that my boyfriend was coming home from practice to look after me. Yes, I may have begged him a little but he's still coming and that's an achievement.

30 minutes after my messages, I heard the door opening downstairs. Tom was here.

(Nah it was a random dude coming to kidnap you)

I smile a little once I hear the bedroom door open and his footsteps walking towards the bed. I close my eyes, pretending to sleep, feeling the bed going down letting me know he was sat down. I feel his fingers twirling my hair, his lips softly against my cheek as he kisses it. His fingers caresses the part he kissed as he smiles a little at the sight.

"Y/n..?" He quietly whispers, pinching my cheeks to wake me up. "Are you dead?"

I turn my face to see him, sat up on the bed smiling at me. I rub my eyes, to convince him I was sleeping. Yes I didn't feel well due to my cramps but I wanted him to do his own gestures towards me without being me "awake".

"Oh damn, you actually dead.?." He asks me, playing with my hair as I sit up, leaning into his chest even more. His cheeks heat up at the touch but shakes it off as he kisses my forehead. "Nevermind.. the troll has awoken'

"It's my period bitch." He lets out a low laugh at me before snuggling into me too - not before whacking me on the back of the head.

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