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Requested by - @amymariax

REACTION: someone close to you passes away, they comfort you

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REACTION: someone close to you passes away, they comfort you


Once you heard that your sister was in a car accident your heart stopped. You were watching your boyfriend practice for his upcoming gig, all was going well, you were having a bunch of fun telling jokes and just messing around together since Tom's friends had become like brothers to you. As soon as you got the message tears threatened to fall from your cheeks as you stood up, pressing your lips together as you run out the practice room.
"Y/n?" You hear Tom yell but you ignore it and carry on running till you reach the bathroom. You open the door quickly before locking it and falling onto your knees crying your absolute soul out. Cries and screams could be heard from the echo within the room, your fingernails digging into your skin as you clutch onto your thighs.
"Y/n?" You hear Tom say in a much calmer manner - obviously concerned about what just happened. He never wanted to see you hurt because it broke his heart into a million pieces seeing you on the verge of tears, not even crying before it had an effect on him. "Please.. You can talk to me"

He would hear your cries from inside the bathroom and instantly run towards the door, knocking on it gently to get you out of there. "I'm here.. I'm here.."

You and Noah were always so smiley together that he would know exactly what was going on with you no matter how hard you tried to hide it:
You had just found out that your best friend has cancer and let's be honest, it stung because she was so strong and faithful to you, you couldn't help but be broken by the sudden news. Even with this news you tried to hide it from Noah since he had so much on his plate especially with his upcoming gig and all so you didn't want to cause him anymore stress or trouble. But Noah knew you too well and knew all your smiles and laughs were fake even when you were with him.

"Y/n.." Is all he could manage to say when he walks in on you crying your eyes out, unable to take the pain any longer. "Why didn't you tell me?

You sigh, tears still falling heavily from your eyes. "I didn't want to be a burden to you.."

"You can talk to me, you aren't a burden for being upset and hurting, don't blame yourself. You could never be a burden to me." He replies to the last sentence with a slight laugh, stunned by your thoughts of being a burden to him and he feels slightly guilty to ever make you feel that way.
"You mean the world to me and I don't want to see you frown, I like it a lot better when you share your bright smile because it makes me smile" He continues, rubbing his fingers gently along your cheek, wiping the falling tear before kissing your forehead. He would definitely be the type to try cheer you up in the most embarrassing way possible but it made you smile and that's all he wanted, whether or not it meant teasing from the boys.

He'd be the complete opposite to Noah, he wouldn't actually understand what was going on at all, to be fair - you were pretty good at hiding it. It wouldn't be until you told him he would realise and feel incredibly awkward. He'd apologize like 3671 times for not noticing or even pretend he did notice:

"I can't believe this happened to you and I didn't even know." Jacob admits, scratching his neck, apologising for the hundredth time that day. He felt terrible after not realizing you had been suffering for so long, he felt like he had failed being your boyfriend. He'd say he was meant to cheer you up and comfort you but he couldn't even realize the amount of struggle and agony you were in because of you mother's death.
"I failed as your boyfriend."
You smile a little at seeing this scared Jacobin front of you but you felt terrible knowing he was killing himself over this - the last thing you wanted was for him to feel insecure.. You made sure to tell him that you felt lucky to have someone like him, no matter how much he doubted himself because he always made you smile and laugh no matter how miserable or even how miserable he was. "It's not your fault Jacob.."

"I mean, you didn't know where Argentina was so I can't expect much from you." He finally smiles whilst cupping your cheeks - he was trying to be cute but it didn't really work, kinda slapped you instead and then pulling you into a hug realizing how lucky he is to have met you.

He would definitely be worried but I can kind of see him trying to make you laugh to distract you from the news:
It all started when you got a phone call from the hospital about your auntie. Apparently she had a heart attack while on holiday and even if you weren't that close to your aunt it hurt since she was still your family and losing a family member is tough. As your tears and cries filled the room, your breathing also got out of control and ended up you struggling to breathe.

Jake would be visiting you after he finished practice and see you crying, struggling to breathe and would rush towards you. Sitting you down and pulling you into his arms as he tried to comfort you. After trying to comfort you by holding you and your breathing turning back to normal, he'd ask what was wrong and you'd tell him.

"Y/n, stuff like this does happen but I'm so sorry this had to happen to you.." He would manage to say, trying not to cry himself seeing you broken in front of him. "But don't worry, I'm not dying any time soon."
He'd say, pulling one of his famous weird faces to make you laugh and it did. But this moment made you realize how precious this boy is to you.
Would play his music for you and just tell you some jokes so he could see you smile..

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