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REACTIONS: you were cheated on in the past

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REACTIONS: you were cheated on in the past.


I think Tom would be a little shocked to be honest, more shocked that someone could let someone like you go. He'd comfort you and reassure you he wouldn't do the same. Literally probably one of the most trustworthy, comforting and respectful person to exist.
(rm, jimin, chan and tom are my comfort tbh)

Noah would be pissed at the dude who cheated on you but feel lucky because he now can call you his. He'd definitely say this to your face making you laugh a little. He'd probably try make you laugh especially when you feel insecure about it, he'd always cheer you up.

Jacob would just stay silent, awkwardly staring at you. He wouldn't actually know what to do but he does care, he'd just stare at you in disbelief and confusion. He doesn't want to say the wrong thing but he manages to comfort you after a while of blinking blankly.

Again, probably would be pissed. I see him having a similar reaction to Noah to be honest.. Would also feel guilty for not being there to comfort you when everything happened but he's happy to comfort you now.

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