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Sleepovers were more common when the group were younger and had less to worry about. They would almost always be at the Lee house, as the living room was the biggest out of all of the houses, and meant one less person had to travel to a different house. So it was safe to say that none of them expected for Chaeryeong to suggest they have one after the little volleyball tournament (that Yuna won, and made Ryujin's gay little heart beat way too hard and way too fast for her liking).

"I'll have to ask my parents," Jisu said, and everybody else nodded in agreement.

"Tomorrow then?" Chaeryeong asked. "We aren't really set up for a sleepover yet."

It was settled then. They would have a sleepover the next night. It shouldn't be that bad. Just one more person thrown into the mix.

But Ryujin couldn't stop thinking about it, mainly what would happen if she embarrassed herself in front of the younger. She doubts she'll do anything super crazy, but what if she trips over a chair leg and falls on her face? What if she begins talking in her sleep? What if she farts in her sleep and Yuna heard it? Even though it's a normal bodily function, Ryujin would be mortified.

She spent the rest of the day avoiding any foods that would make her gassy.

When the day of the sleepover came, Ryujin had to calm down and remind herself that it's no big deal. Just a group of friends hanging out with each other for the night. She can forget the fact that Yuna's her soulmate, right?

Ryujin arrived with Yeji and Jisu, the strap of her overnight bag in her deadly grip. Maybe she wasn't prepared to be spending an extended period of time with Yuna, but it's too late to turn back. Chaeyeon had opened the door and invited them inside with a smile.

Chaeryeong and Yuna were giggling, sitting comfortably next to each other on the couch, which bugged Ryujin but she brushed it off.

"About time you old ladies got here!" Chaeryeong exclaimed once she noticed the others.

"Shush, you're the same age as Ryujin-ah," Chaeyeon said as she took the seat away from the two.

"My point still stands. Anyways, what do you guys wanna do first? Play board games? Watch a movie?"

"Ew, who still plays board games?" Yeji scrunched her nose up as she plopped down beside Yuna on the couch, leaving the other two to settle on the floor. "Let's play a video game."

"I'm down," Ryujin immediately agreed.

Chaeryeong rolled her eyes. "Ugh, geeks. I'll bring the XBox down."

The youngest Lee hopped up and went to retrieve the game console. Yuna glances between Yeji and Ryujin curiously. "You two game?"

"Oh yeah. Love it," Yeji said. "Well, I don't do it as much lately because school, but sometimes Ryujin and I would get online for a quick round of whatever."

"Wow, that sounds fun," Yuna said, genuinely sounding amazed. "I suck at games."

"So do I," Jisu piped up.

"We can teach you guys. Right, Ryujin?"

Of course Yeji had to include Ryujin. It was like the older wanted to give her a heart attack. Yuna's eyes had turned to her, boring into hers curiously. Ryujin desperately wanted to kiss her but held back.

"Uh, yeah, sure." Ryujin broke the eye contact so she could spare her poor self of a heart attack.

"Cool! So, which one's the best?" Yuna asked.

Ryujin opened her mouth to say Yeji's name when the other girl quickly responded with "Ryujin, of course!"


"I'd like to think that I'm not too far behind her," Yeji continued confidently. "But Ryujin's a huge geek. Why?"

Yuna shrugged and proceeded in trying to make Ryujin explode by sliding closer to the shorter. "Wellll, I want to learn from the best!"

The look Yuna gave Ryujin made the latter want to melt into a puddle. It was so fond, more than a normal friend would look at another friend. Could it be that...

No. No, Ryujin was just overthinking.

"I'm baaaack!" Chaeryeong sang, carrying the XBox.

"Yay!" Yuna turned away from Ryujin to focus on Chaeryeong once again.

Not like Ryujin was jealous or anything. No, of course not. Why would she be jealous of one of her best friends?

"Ah! Am I doing it right?" Yuna asked.

"Just fine, Yuna-yah. You're doing—oof!—amazing!"

Yuna grinned at the screen while Ryujin stared in horror beside her, having switched places with Yeji to teach her to play. They had chosen to play something easy for Yuna and Jisu: Mario Kart. Jisu was actually doing pretty good, while Yuna...not so much. She kept crashing and getting hit by power ups and she was in last place. But who was Ryujin to ruin her fun?

"Woo! Fifth place!" Jisu cheered.

"Wow, that's great, unnie!" Yuna grinned. "I'm coming in last!"

And indeed she did. For the sixth time.

"Whew, that was fun! But I'm kinda tired. Wanna play?" Yuna offered the controller to Chaeryeong, who shook her head. The older was cuddled into Yuna's side, snacking on baby carrot sticks.

"Ryujin unnie?"

Yuna was holding the controller towards her with a smile. "Show me how it's done?"

"O-okay." Ryujin took the controller with a shaky hand and willed herself to calm down.

"Ooh! Go against Yeji! I'd love to see this!" Jisu exclaimed, giving Yeji her own controller.

Yeji smirked at Ryujin, who gave her one back. Nothing but good, friendly competition between two friendly friends!

"You're going down, Shin!"

"Bite my dust, Hwang!"

And they were off!

Ryujin had to start at the very end due to Yuna's lack of gaming skills. But she didn't let that stop her. She managed to get into third place, right behind Yeji within just a few seconds. Then they began to battle for first place with one of the computer players.

"This is a persistent computer player," Ryujin said as she was pushed in second again.

"Stop your whining, you're just jealous!"

"As if!"

On their last lap, the other girls were cheering for one of the two. Jisu and Chaeryeong were going for Yeji, with Chaeyeon and Yuna for Ryujin. It was close, but Ryujin won first with Yeji a very close second.

"Whoa, that was close!" Yuna giggled, wrapping her arms around one of Ryujin's, proceeding in making the latter blush furiously.

"I totally would've had you," Yeji groaned. She threw her head back as Jisu laughed and massaged her shoulders.

"Well, maybe next time. Or never!" Ryujin shrugged.

"Didn't know you had such a big head?"

"I'm hurt! You've known me forever!"

Yuna giggled again beside her, looking up with her wide eyes and made Ryujin's heart flutter.

Oh god, how can she survive a whole night with her?

Ugh, Twice's Happy Happy and Breakthrough😩
Anyways, I have a Pristin fic up and it would be great if you guys could check it out😳

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