Traffic Jam

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Coffee. He needed coffee. A double espresso. Or an extra large mug of the regular black gold that came from the coffee machine at the precinct. Ever since they had lobbied for a new - decent - coffee machine last year, Gavin no longer had to bring coffee from home. He only brought his thermos now when he went straight to a crime scene from home, like he did last night. That thermos was empty now, discarded somewhere in the back seat of the car.

It had been a long night; a drugs related shootout gone horribly wrong, with two civilian casualties. Usually Hank and his pet Connor dealt with the Red Ice cases; the gang involved tonight had been on their radar for some time now, but with the civilian deaths Gavin and his partner got called in too. Or rather, RK900 had shown up on his doorstep, saying it was more efficient for the detective to go straight to the crime scene instead of going by the precinct first.

Gavin was already dressed to go out and he didn't question the android for his impeccable timing. In the six months they were partners now Gavin had learned it was easier to roll with these kind of things instead of fighting the inhuman perfectionism of it. That didn't mean he blatantly followed the plastic prick; he still went his own way, he just didn't pick a fight about it anymore. That shit was tiring. And humiliating, in some cases. Gavin did not need to be bent over his desk with his arm twisted to his back in the middle of the fucking bullpen again, thank you very much. Besides, there were better ways to annoy the android. So he just turned around after opening the door to his partner and calmly walked back to the kitchen.

"Detective Reed?" From the sound of it the android was still standing outside his door, ready to go.

"Tin can?" he echoed innocently, filling up his coffee maker.

A moment later the android appeared around the corner, silent as always. Stealth had a new meaning when it came to the RK-series. Where Connor knew to make some kind of sound to make up for his silent footfalls, as not to startle every one of his colleagues when he walked up to them, RK900 didn't bother with that.

The android took one look at the coffee machine and said: "I take it that you haven't read my text."

"What text?"

"The one I sent you exactly twelve minutes ago, detective. To make sure you could fill up your thermos before I arrived here."

Gavin didn't need to look at his phone to know the text was there. It was creepy how well the RK900 knew his habits and schedule, from the way he drank his coffee - black, strong - to the way he prefered to go about analyzing a crime scene - silence, Gavin needed silence. And for everybody to get out of his fucking way.

RK900 didn't make himself scarce when Gavin looked around a crime scene, taking in the details. Instead, the six foot plus android performed his own investigation, including that gross way of dipping his finger in blood and sticking it in his mouth for analysing. Those CyberLife designers were fucking perverts. Period.

However, the android did stay silent until Gavin was done surveying the crime scene, waiting to combine their observations into one concluding image. Gavin wasn't that much of an asshole to not admit - silently, in his own head - that they worked well together. They were closing cases at a much faster rate than the detective duos that consisted out of two humans. They even gave Hank and Connor a run for their money on some days. And although Gavin prefered to work alone, working with a walking, talking supercomputer did have its advantages.

Like how the RK900 was already cross-referencing the sparsely available footage from the security cameras around the crime scene, sitting in the passenger seat of Gavin's car. It would save them quite some time at the bureau, although they still had to fill in the necessary reports before Gavin could finally go home and roll into bed. RK900 could do what he always did after Gavin left the precinct: stand in a corner of the storage room and stare at the wall. Or something. Gavin didn't want to think to hard about that lately.

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