The meeting

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So I'm writing this because at the moment I'm really obsessed with My Hero Academia and Assassination Classroom. Okay just so you know I don't swear, so when Bakugou is speaking there won't be any full on swearing. I hope you all enjoy!

Midoriya's P.o.v
I was walking to school with Uraraka today and we were talking about random things like the homework that was to be handed in tomorrow and how she thought that Kirishima seemed really close to Kacchan.

"But Deku don't you see that he's like really~ close to Bakugou?!"

"But there like always close"

I looked over at her and she seemed defeated, "Ya know I'm going to talk to Mina about this"

We kept on walking and talking till we got to our class, it was still early so there wouldn't be that meany people in. Well that's what I though but when I opened the doors to our class I was surprised to see that everyone apart from Kaminari was there. Iida was trying to get Kacchan to take his feet of the desk but he wasn't listening because he was talking with Kirishima, Mina, and Sero. Momo was talking with Jiro and I could just see through the mess of people there was someone sitting one there own and that happened to be Todoroki so I went over with Urakaka trailing me.

"Hay Todoroki!" I said smiling,

"Oh, hi" He said in his monotone voice but I could hear that there was a bit of happiness laced in with it as well.

But before I could continue our conversation Aizawa sensei walked in and everyone pretty much ran to there seats.

"Okay so today we are going to get you-" he was cut of though by the door opening and Kaminari standing there out of breath,

"sorry that I'm late..." he said trying to breathe again, then walked over to his seat

"Okay so as I was saying, today we are going to get you all to go after someone who has lost control of there quirk. You have to work together to capture her. We don't have that much data on her quirk but we do know that some people like her family and friends who were close with her when she lost control of her quirk have disappeared so we need you to be careful. Now go and do the mission while I sleep in my sleeping bag." He said and when he finished he unzipped his sleeping bag and crawled in.

"Um but Sir where are we going?" Momo asked,

"To the town centre, that was were she was last seen, now get your suits on and move"

We all collected our suits, got changed, and then started to walk towards the town centre.

"So what do think it's going to be like?" Kaminari asked to no one in particular while walking with Sero,

"What do you mean by that?" Ojiro asked,

"I mean like I wonder what it's going to be like doing stuff that people like pros do" he said drifting of in thought.

Well what Kaminari was dreaming about was not the type of battle we were having. Kirishima has been hit pretty badly and was being treated by Kacchan who would shout curses at the girl every now and then. Me and Todoroki we're currently trying to battle her with Uraraka, Iida, Momo, Jiro, Tokoyami, Ojiro, Mina, Tsuyu, Sato, Shoji, And Aoyama who I think was fighting but I wasn't sure. Sero was looking after Kaminari who short circuited, Koda was saying he wasn't very much help in this battle and was standing aside helping anyone who was injured with Hagakure, while Mineta just, well stood around because Kacchan didn't want him anywhere near Kirishima, Koda and Hagakure didn't want him to help with taking care of there classmates especially the girls, and well he was to much of a wuss to be up fighting.

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