Getting completely drunk!

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Midoriya's P.o.v
I woke up but not in my bed. I tried to shift a bit but I was trapped by something then I started to panic. I tried to see what or who it was but I couldn't.
"Midoriya...can you please go back to sleep?" When I heard the voice I was really confused...unlit it clicked... I. Was. Sleeping. With. TODOROKI!!!!

I actually couldn't help myself I was a blushing mess but I snuggled as close to him as I possibly could. As I wriggled as close as our body's would let me I heard a chuckle, it was absolutely heart melting.
"Todoroki... has anyone ever told you that your laugh is absolutely beautiful?" I asked, then I heard that beautiful laugh again,

"Nope, your a first"

I smiled at that then started to fall asleep again.
We soon woke up and had breakfast. To be honest the day was pretty boring we just lounged around Nagisa's room playing video games. Well that was until I got a text from Mina,

Bakugou: pinky that isn't even a f*cking word!


Bakugou: WHAT?!

Kirishima: to be honest bro I absolutely agree

Bakugou: you were literally shoving your f*cking tongue down my throat saying you'd never get f*cking board of it!!

Uraraka: wait Bakugou! Your a bottom?!!

Bakugou: ... ;-;

Momo: )^o^( girlies we are having a sleepover tonight!!

Mina: your right we are!! 

Hagakure: And we could invite the boys then we could get really drunk and film the whole thing!!

Mina: oh my gawd Hagakure honey you are my fav!

Uraraka: but I though I was your fav!!

Mina: don't worry you are!!

Ururaka: YAY!!

Momo: Jiro you in?

Jiro: sure why not

Uraraka: Tsu? You in

Tsuyu: Yeah sure I'll come!

Mina: great! Well meet here and I'll talk to Nakamura about texting her class!

Uraraka: Kk be there soon!!!

Kaminari: WHAT! Do we get no say in this?

Mina: NOPE! Everyone better turn up or else!

Out of chat:
I heard a frustrated sigh from my left as I looked over it was Todoroki and he was looking at his phone,
"Guess were going" he sighed again,

"Yup!" I smiled over at him,

"What wron-" Nagisa started to ask but was cut of by his phone,

He took it out and looked at it, then his face fell.
"We're gonna have to go aren't we?" He asked looking at us,

"Yup" I answered truthfully.
We all groaned in annoyance but got up nonetheless and got our shoes on.

We were heading along to Nakamura's house when we bumped into Karma, Kacchan and Kirishima.

"Oh! Hay Nagi~" Karma said walking up to Nagisa and giving him a kiss,

"Eww your f*cking disgusting!" Kacchan said looking at Karma and Nagisa,

"You and Kirishima were literally doing it 10 minutes ago" Karma said intertwining his fingers with Nagisa's.

Kacchan just did his 'tsk' and kept on walking with Kirishima.

We all soon arrived at Nakamura's and found in chaos. Poor Momo was making different things that Kaminari was saying as well as, as it looked had made cameras to go around the house. Mina and Nakamura were running around the place, Uraraka and Kayano were both high with helium? Dark shadow was playing shadow puppets with Shoji and Ojiro. It was very clear that everyone (except Momo) was very very very! Drunk!

We kinda just shuffled into the room. As soon as we entered that threshold drinks were shoved into our hands. I was a bit suspicious of the drink at first but it looked and smelled of orange juice so I took my chances and drank it. Little did I know at that time but I have just consumed a whole load of alcohol.

3rd person P.o.v
Let's just forward at least 4 hours. Everyone was ether snogging another, having sex or sleeping...
Ye ones having sex were,
Kiri and Bakubro
Uraraka and Tsu

The ones making out were,
Todoroki and Midoriya
Nagisa and Karma (though they were kinda in between snogging and sex 😅)

And everyone else was sleeping. But lucky for them Hagakure had set up the video camera so they could watch back at the horrendous things they had done...

Hay! I know I haven't posted in a while but I was writing and was like let me put something up so Here you go! I know it's short but oh well! Hope you enjoyed! Bye!!😋

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