Getting to know you

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Nagisa's P.o.v
"Well this is strange" Kayano said,

We all agreed, because we were standing in front of 20 odd looking kids. Half of this class looked inhuman, there was a girl with pink skin, there was someone with what looked like extra limbs, there were floating clothes which we assumed was someone because we weren't really a class to jump to conclusions. There was another kid who had a huge fluffy tail, someone who had a normal body but a face like a bird, someone's face just looked weird, there was this girl who had earphone plug things coming from her ears, and finally there was this small little person who had purple hair stuff and instead of hair they had...balls???

"You know taking a second look at this class I can only count... 6, yeah 6 girls" Sugino said looking back at the class,

"Well... what are we going to do when they wake up?" Kimura asked,

"I', not sure" I answered,

"Sensei, What are we going to do?" Okuda asked,

"About what?" He asked looking over at Okuda,

"Well I mean they need a place to sleep and stuff"

"Ah! Good question, well when they wake up I guess we can get to know them and then 20 of us will take someone home so they can stay" he said looking back at the students,

"Sir am I aloud to try and wake one of them?" See that would have been a question with good intentions if only it wasn't asked by Karma.

"Well, I don't see why you can't" he answered, and we all facepalmed inside apologising in advance to the person Karma was going to wake up.

I could tell Karma was going to pick his target wisely. He scanned over the whole class and landed on the one that looked the meanest out of the whole lot. He had blonde hair and an interesting outfit on. He had gauntlets on his arms and had a orange cross over his top and green trousers with silver knee caps.

Karma crouched down beside him and started to poke his cheek. He flinched a bit, then turned over. Karma didn't give up though, he just went to the other side and poked his face again. He still didn't wake up. Karma then got board and shouted in his face,

He didn't really get scared, he just scowled and covered his face. Karma then got curious so he picked up one of his wrists and pulled it of his face. His eye were closed and he just grunted trying to pull his wrist free of Karma. I could tell he was surprised when he wasn't able to pull out of Karma's grasp and then the confusion only grew more on his face as Karma started talking.
"You might want to be more careful on where you sleep~" he smirked, "I could've easily killed you~" at this his eyes flew open and he was blinded by the light so he shut them immediately again. "AGH! B*STARD LET ME GO!!!" He shouted then started to squirm in Karma's grasp.

"Karma let him go" I said stepping forward and loosening Karma's grip on the boy.

The whole class just stared at the situation in question. The boy immediately jumped up from were he was previously laying and back up against the wall. Before we knew what was happening there were sparks fling from his hands.
"Should that be happening?" Terasaka asked,

But before his question could be answered the other class started to wake. Karma walked back to me and put his arm around my waist, it made me flush a bit but nothing more. The red head that the blonde was sleeping next to woke up and immediately jumped up out of his sleeping position, he then ran over to the blonde that still had sparks flying out of his palms. He did something to his body that made it look really hard and stood in front of the blonde and started to talk to him. We looked down to the rest of the class, they acted like everything was normal.
"Hay dude you know your hands are really sweaty, like really," Karma said talking to the blonde,

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