Watching the footage

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Hay! This is just a small update! Also bold means that the movie clip is playing.

3rd person P.o.v
Once everyone came to in the morning they were horrified to hear that the whole night had been recorded.
"Right everyone sit your butts down!!! We gonna watch all of the footage!!" Mina yelled.

Everyone went to find a seat in the living room while Itona connected the camera with the tv.
"YALL READY TO START!?" Mina said jumping up

"Why are you so hyper?" Sugino complained,

"COZ!!" Mina said running to her seat,

The whole of class 3-E just sweat dropped as Momo pressed the play button.

Nagisa, Karma, Midoriya, Todoroki, Kirishima And Bakugou all entire the house.

The small group walked over to the small bar and grabbed a glass of Vodka and down it.
"YESH!!" Mina yelled,

"Whyyyyy" shoji whined wriggling on the floor,

"Hahahahaha!! Shoji what the heck is that!!" Pretty much everyone laughed,

"Ya know what... I actually have no idea" ( ・∇・) Shoji said staring at what he was doing on screen.

Midoriya was now all over Todoroki. Stroking him and touching every place he could access. He was very drunk because he had a very low alcohol tolerance.

Mineta was just the same but the girls he was around were to drunk to notice he was a drunk perv. Poor Kurahashi was being touched all over the place because she was one of the girls with Mineta.
"You have really nice boobs! But there not as squishy as Tsu's and they aren't as nice as Momo's! But aside from that they are nice boobs!"

"MINETA!!! YOUR SO DISGUSTING!!" Momo yelled as all the girls slapped him and Sero kept him in place with his tape.

Iida, Sugino and Isogai were now standing on a table in the middle of the room with their tie's tied around their heads and dancing around while shouting the wrong lyrics that Jiro and Nakamura were blasting.

"THAT IS ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE!" Iida complained while flailing his arms around,

"Your actually kidding me?! Your were doing it to Iida" Sugino said while hiding in embarrassment and Isogai sighing slouching a bit in his seat.

Mina started to walk over to Momo,

"YESH I can make that!!"
And then Momo made 20 different types of alcohol and passed it to Mina.

Mina ran over to Kayano and whispered something in her ear the ran over to the bar were Nagisa, Karma, Kirishima and Bakugou still sat. Kayano ran over and joined Mina behind the counter then they started flowing the bottles. They then shouted 'PEEPS COME GET YO SHOTS!' And that had a few people coming over and getting a bottle and downing it.


"Mina dear, we love you but no"

Bakugou then ran up to Kirishima and jumped up into him wrapping his legs around his waist and arms around his neck.

"WAIT NO WHAT THE F*CK AM I DOING?!"Bakugou yelled,

"Bro chill we have no idea" Kaminari said looking up at him from were he sat on the floor,

"Baby I want to have 10 no! 30 children" Bakugou cooed leaning his cheek against Kirishima's and rubbing them together,

"OKAY!" Kirishima said with a huge grin on his face,

"Really! And will I be a good mommy?" Bakugou asked in a baby voice that was nothing like him,

"Yup!" Kirishima's smile got bigger as he said that,

"Yay!" Bakugou squealed hugging Kirishima,

"WHAT THE F*CK?!" Bakugou growled,

All the girls just burst out giggling and shoving Bakugou telling him he'd be the best 'mommy' ever.

"Really! You want kids?" Kirishima asked the blush rising in his cheeks,

Bakugou just grumbled something and turned away.

Kirishima just smiled, "Okay!" Not like he new what he said anyway ;-;

Aoyama was sitting on the roof of the house yelling random French that was shoved together...

"Ah yes~ oui~ ˚✧₊⁎❝᷀ົཽ≀ˍ̮ ❝᷀ົཽ⁎⁺˳✧༚"


Kaminari was sitting petting Ojiro's tail on the floor while Sero was standing above his messing his hair up.
"BRO YOUR TAIL IS SOOOO FLUFFY" Kaminari squealed like a little girl petting Ojiro's tail more furiously.

"Heh but I can confirm it is fluffy" Kaminari said scratching the back of his neck,

Chiba was now standing on top of the bar twerking and Hayami was on the floor posing for pictures with Okuda and both giggling like complete idiots.

"That's really...embarrassing" Hayami said cowering away,

"I think my life has been ruined" Chiba said in a monotone voice that did not suite what he just said...

Terasaka was running around the house piling loads of pillows in a corner then proceeded to make a 'nest' then started tearing up pillows that were 'unnecessary' then Itona came over and started to chase Terasaka around with a collar and leash and tried putting it on him.

"What have we done..." ;-;'

Everyone just start there while the video kept on playing contemplating their life choices. Then the door bell went so everyone looked around confused at what it was then Kaminari raised his hand, "I think it might be the pizza I ordered at 4 in the morning" he said sheepishly,

"Well then!" Nakamura said standing up and heading to the door, "We are all dead"

Hay! Sorry this took a while to get out! 😅 but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless! Thank for reading and I'll see ya in the next one! Bye!!😋

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