The teachers find a parallel universe

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Aizawa's P.o.v
I groaned as Elodie banged on our door.

We had been staying at a hotel of some sort for the past week and Elodie has given us no space at all. We've been going around doing all sorts for no reason! But now she's banging on our door at ... 6:00AM!!!!


"Ummmm, because!" She shouted back,

"NO! TeLl mE!!"

"Well it's time to go!! So get yo lazy A*S outta BED!!!" She screamed them you could hear her running down the hall,

"Am I givin' permission to kill her?" I asked,

"Shota!! No!!!" Yamada shouted through to me from the bathroom.

I huffed and snuggled my way back into the bed without a care in the world.

Yamada's P.o.v
I looked down at Shota and sighed. This man had been sleeping for an extra 2 hours and me and Elodie had finished our food.

I thought wether I should wake Shota and decided it'd be a good idea. So I bent down and shook his shoulder violently.
"WHAT DO TOU WANT?!" He shouted,

"Um, were leaving this world," I said scratching the back of my head,

"Wait, seriously?!" He asked,

"Uh, Yeah!" I replied,

"Great let's go!" He said jumping out of bed?

"Ummmm??? Okay"

He rushed into his clothes and ran out the door.

I just stood there for 2 more minutes till life caught up with me. Running out I met up with Shota and Elodie.
"Right you guys ready?" Elodie asked,

"Please" Shota whined,

"Yup!" I smiled at her,

"Okie!" And then in a flash the world around us disappeared.

Aizawa's P.o.v
After a few seconds I felt the ground again and sighed. Though when I opened my eyes it wasn't what I was expecting. There were trees all around us and it seemed as though we were in a huge forest.
"Um. What's this?!" I asked,

"Oh! Let me check!" Elodie put her pointer and middle finger up to her temple and closed her eyes. "Oh no" she whispered,

"WHATS WRONG!" Yamada asked panicked,

"Well, um this is a parallel universe to the one we're used to," he said,

"What does that mean?" I asked,

"Well it means people don't have quirks so don't go around talking about it kay? And also we can't be seen by anyone, because this is a parallel universe to your universe so there's a different you here and if you met it would be bad," she said,

I nodded and was about to talk when I heard voices,
"What is it?" Yamada whispered,

"Voices" I said,

The weird thing is I recognised them. I walked towards them and peeked around the tree. There sat an angry looking blond against a tree with a smiling redhead beside.
"Hay look it's Bakugou and Kirishima!" Yamada whisper-shouted,

"Yes it's then but from a parallel universe" Elodie said, "let's just listen to their conversation," she said,

"But why do we have to go to their wedding Ei?! We have adventures to go and do!!" Bakugou huffed,

"Because they are nice and they are our friends!" Kirishima argued back,

"Your friends,"



"We are going to Midoriya and Todoroki's wedding, Okay? And then we'll continue our adventure! We still need to take it easy though remember. I'm carrying eggs" Kirishima smiled,

Bakugou smiles back and pulled Kirishima into a hug, "Yeah I know I'm sorry Ei"

I tuned to look at Yamada and Elodie. "Mind explaining?" I asked,

Though it didn't look like I was getting an answer anytime soon because Elodie and Yamada were to busy fingerling over how cute their being and what their babies would look like.

I huffed, why do I feel like we are going to be spending longer here than needed?

Hay!! Hope you enjoyed!! Sorry this took a while to write but I've been a bit busy! Anyway here a chapter!! Have a good day!

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