The maid outfits!

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Karma's P.o.v
Karma: Momo I need you to make me something,

Momo: Yeah sure what is it?

-karma is texting-

Out of texting:
I smirked when Momo agreed to what I asked and said she'll tell all the girls for me. I was pleased, this day would be fun~

If I was to describe the two people I have stying in my house now I'd say ones an angry Pomeranian and the other was the poor trainer that had to train this dog and was the only one the dog actually liked.

I was currently eating breakfast and observing them. They acted like a pretty good duo.
"Wait... What day is it today?" The redhead asked,

"Monday you moron" the Pomeranian answered,



Wait! Does that mean school?!" He asked,

"Yeah and you guys are coming, but today's gonna be a little different" I said casually sipping my strawberry milk,

"What do you mean?" Pomeranian growled,

"You'll see~"

We picked Nagi~ green bean and peppermint boy up and walked to school.

"So" peppermint boy started,

"So?" Green bean asked,

"We're going to your school?" Peppermint boy asked,

"Yup!" Nagisa answered,

I just smirked at myself at what was coming up.

We walked up the hill... Well me and Nagisa did, Pomeranian just made himself boom up and he also was holding his rock boy and then peppermint iced his way up and was holding his green bean.

Me and Nagisa were stuck walki... well actually no scratch that I was swinging on the trees and  making my way on the tree tops.

We soon arrived and walked into the building.

Momo's P.o.v
I had gotten a text from Karma this morning and I found it to be quite interesting but nonetheless I agreed to do as he asked.

I reverted the girls a plan I had conducted and I was pleased with how it was going.

The first of the boys to arrive were Isogai and Ojiro. As soon as they walked into the class Kayano and Jiro knocked them unconscious.

This went on with all the boys. Going down like flies one after the other. Soon the big group had arrived, Karma, Nagisa, Midoyria, Todoroki, Bakugou and Kirishima.

They walked into the building and upon entering we knocked them out. I smirked because Karma hadn't specified who the thing was for.

"Okay girls! Strip the boys and his their clothes!" I ordered,

They all nodded going to their assigned boy. I had Todoroki, Bakugou and Kirishima.

"Momo do you have them?" Uraraka asked with a giggled at the end.

She was doing Midoyria and Iida.

"Yeah I do" I said chucking her 2,

"Haha thanks!" She said,

"I'm all done here!" Nakamura said,

I nodded and chucked her 3. She was doing Karma, Maehara and Isogai.

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