Ch.5 Metal fire breathing robot?

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Hi guys I'm going to make this quick since I have to rush off to school soon, but I'll be updating this story every other Saturday. It will like a rotation between Rise of the Phoenix and Loki's Daughter. Thanks!

I sat still in my chair listening as best I could to the rapid conversation but there was this strange ringing sound in my ears that would not go away.

I tilted my head and moved my jaw surround desperately trying to rid myself of the awful sensation but nothing was working. I continued to irritate myself until Jane's soft voice pulled me out of my bubble.

“Uh.. Nessa... I think it would be safer if you went home to your mom now." She said coaxing me out of the chair I was sitting in. “Okay." I said hopping down and grabbing my note book. I walked right up to Thor and tilted my head all the way back so I could see him.

“Bye Thor!" I said grabbing his hand to shake. He smiled back at me warmly and shook my hand lightly. Again he focused in on my eyes and seemed to get lost in them, but tore his eyes away from me.

“You must get going little one." He said placing one of his humongous hands on my shoulder. “Okay!" I chirped skipping out to the door. I had my hand on the door but when I opened it in the distance a wall of shimmering lights struck the earth.

Even though I was out in the distant desert you could still feel the impact through the ground. I spun around and looked back to see Thor staring out of the window. When I looked back I saw a gigantic figure walking out of the dust storm.

I stopped and watched as it blasted fire at something in the dusty air, then it turned and continued to walk towards town.

I heard Thor mutter something under his breath... something pertaining to the destroyer. Either way my eyes were wide with fear and now there was no way I could go to my dad. I was separated and had no way of contacting him. This was not good.

I watched the fire robot stalk closer and closer to town, but no one made a move. I turned around and saw the strange people and Thor talking to each other in worried voices. Ever so often they would look to the metal robot and see if it was any closer.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity they came to a decision and Thor turned to me. His expression held apprehension and I felt my self grow wary of what he was about to say. “Nessa it is not safe for you to wander about. I need you to stay with Jane and listen to her carefully. Do you understand?" he asked looking behind me at the metal man while waiting for me to answer.

I hurriedly shook my head and scurried to Jane's side and took her out stretched hand in mine. She smiled down reassuringly at me, but it only made me feel a tiny bit better.

We ran out of the door and hurried down the main road. I saw shopkeepers closing up their shops, and people driving away rapidly in the opposite direction of where the danger was located.

Soon we were the only ones left on the street, and the fire breathing robot was a block away. Up until this point the metal robot had destroyed everything in its path. Cars were strewn everywhere. Some laying on there backs, and one that Thor had just passed was burning.

Wait?! What was he doing? I took one step forward but the red haired bearded man laid a hand on my shoulder and shook his head no. I sniffed and tried to stop the tears that were waiting to spill out of my eyes but I couldn't so I turned back to the scene and held onto Jane's hand.

I watched as Thor walked up slowly to the robot until he was only a few feet away and the thing opened up its head again like it was going to breathe fire but then it stopped when Thor said a few words.

I wiped away a stray tear from my eyes happily when the thing started to turn away but my happiness turned into horror when the robot turned and back handed Thor sending him several feet away.

I shrieked and let go of Jane's hand as I barreled forward. I heard Darcy shout for me to stop but I ignored her and grabbed a large rock from the ground. Before I knew it I had hurtled the rock at the things head and it turned its attention on me.

I no longer was scared of the stupid thing, and stared at it with anger. I felt myself getting worked up and the ground started to shake. Pebbles and fragments shook on the ground growing more violent the angrier I become.

The familiar buzzing had taken over my body, but arms encircling around my waist broke me out of my trance. I gasped and struggled when I came back to reality but relaxed when I realised that it was the man scientists who was carrying me.

He shifted me in his arms and ran with me so that I could see what was going on. A dark tornado was swirling around where Thor had just been laying a few minutes earlier.

We ducked under the shelter of a building and watched as the tornado swirled around every so often a line of fire shot through illuminating the whole funnel.

Not wanting to see anymore I tore my eyes away from the scene and buried my head into the man's shoulder. Finally the wind died down and the man stood up still holding me, but I refused to lift my head.

Was Thor hurt? That robot hit him pretty hard... I want my dad. I heard the heavy footsteps that belonged to Thor but I still didn't look up.

I didn't listen much when they were talking together but then all the attention was turned to me. The scientist man let me down but I kept my head down not looking up.

Thor didn't say anything, but he took my hand and led me a couple feet away from the group. I only lifted my head a little when he kneeled down to my level.

“Are you going to leave now?" I asked searching his face for any kind of answer. “Yes, but there is no need to fret I'll be back to see you soon." He said reaching up to wipe away a stray tear that was left on my face.

“I also saw what you did to the destroyer." He began with a smile. “But promise me that you will not do that again." He said. I flashed him my smile and stuck out my hand for him to shake. He accepted and grinned at me proudly.

I looked down and my eyes grew wide at his hammer resting on the ground. “You found it!" I shrieked happily. I squatted down and traced my finger along the edge of the intricate designs.

But I didn't get to admire the hammer very long because I heard the screech of tires. I looked up and I felt my blood run cold when I saw Coulson jump out of a car. I stood up and hid behind Thor's leg.

“Uh oh..." I muttered but Coulson heard me and raised an eyebrow at me. “Yes. Uh oh indeed young lady." He said in a patronizing tone. The glint in his eye told me I wasn't in trouble but just to go a long with it.

“How many times have I told you not to wander off?" he asked in a knowing tone. I rolled my eyes and kicked a tiny rock with my shoe. “Like fifty times..." I mumbled.

“Say bye and go to the car." He said with a nod towards Thor. “But!" I quickly protested but was silenced with a look. “Yes uncle." I said turning. I silently hugged Thor's leg and meekly waved goodbye to Jane and the others who where looking quite confused.

I stomped to the car that Coulson in had come from and climbed inside. I looked in the front seat and saw Agent Sitwell. He mumbled a hi and I grunted while I got comfy in the chair.

He probably said something else but I didn't even hear because I had drifted off into a deep sleep.

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