Chapter 23

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Hey guys! I'm back, and I would've updated sooner but I almost got suspended.... Stupid teacher...... anyways! I hope you guys like this chapter and please comment,  I really like seeing them.

Later that night Nate snuck into Nessa' s room. They put her back in her regular room, well the one that she usually occupies when they're not on the Helli carrier.

Nessa immediately stirred and went on guard when she heard the door close but relaxed when she felt the familiar warmth of Nate's body.

“Nate?" She whispered groggily. “It's me Ness, go back to sleep." He coaxed wrapping his arms around her and kissing her temple.

She grumbled and closed her eyes melting into his embrace. Within minutes she was asleep along with Nate.



Nessa's POV

For awhile I lay awake just staring into the darkness. Nate had come in three hours ago, and I only slept for one.

I was too afraid to fall asleep, I was too afraid to Nate die again. I didn't want to see those aliens holding Mina like she was a rag doll.

I didn't want to fall out of Stark Towers again. I didn't want to see the evil on Loki's, my father's face. I didn't want to lose my dad.

I don't want to be alone in the darkness.....

“Nessa why are you crying?" Nate asked, startling me out of my trance. I sniffed and felt the warm tears rolling down my face.

I opened my mouth to speak but I could only choke out a sob.

I curled up into a ball, each of my sobs shook my body violently. I barely registered Nate's arms turning and puling me into his chest.

I grabbed his tank top and held on for dear life as he rocked me slowly and soothingly.


“Can we get some pancakes..." I whispered after my stomach had growled for the fifth time.

“You just practically cried your eyes out and now you want food?" Nate said raising an eyebrow at me. I blushed and hid my face into his chest as he laughed.

“Don't worry I heard your whale calls." He joked getting up from the bed and pulling me up with him. He slipped on a pair of Addidas flip flops that he had left in my room and grabbed a Yankee sweat shirt.

I lifted up my arms and he yanked it down over my head. When his grey eyes searched my face he licked his thumb and wiped it on my cheeks.

I scowled and batted away his hand. “That's gross!" I squealed trying to dodge his wet thumb. “Whatever." He scoffed grabbing a stray hair band that I had laying on my desk and gathered the mess of curls that I called hair into a pony tail.

“Can we go now... I'm hungry!" I whined once he'd finished my hair. “Yes, now we can go." He said rolling his eyes at my impatience grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door.

While he walked ahead I trailed behind him staring at his back. I watched the way he swung his arms and how his back tenses every time he breathes.

“You know it's rude to stare." I saw him look at me side ways and smirk at me. “Well maybe you've got a bug on you." I retorted trying to save my embarrassment.

I took off running down the hall and left him in my dust when I heard him yelp. Nate hates bugs.

I made it to the cafeteria in record time, with Nate trailing behind me four seconds later. “Why do you run so fast?" he gasped bending over to catch his breathe.

“Its not my fault you skip running whenever we train." I say already eyeing the breakfast line. It wasn't too long or short and there were only a few other agents in the room.

I grabbed Nate' s warm hand and pulled him along to the line. We needed to get to it before the 4am rush. That's when most agents woke up, and they were all big grumpy boogers when they didn't have food in their bellies.

“Geez! Slow down its still 3:40." Nate hissed at me trying not to stumble. I ignored him and pulled him into place behind Joey the flight master.

“Hey kid! Oh, your dad and Clint are looking for you both." Joey said hugging me tightly. I frowned and looked at Nate.

“Did you glue their boots to the floor without me? I thought we agreed we would do that together?" I whined glaring at him.

Nate rolled his eyes and shook his head. “I didn't! It must be for something else." He says grabbing a tray for the both of us.

I narrow my eyes at him but I nod to Joey. “Okay... I'll find them or most likely they'll find me."

He chuckled moving forward in line.

“Pancakes!" I bellowed doing my happy dance. Of course no one paid me any attention because this was sadly normal.

“Stop or I'll eat yours." Nate hissed grabbing me with one arm and holding me tightly. I keep wiggling though cause I love pancakes.

The lunch lady Minerva smiles at me and gives me a man serving of pancakes. I smile and squeal running to a table

When I slide next to guy he laughs and keeps me from falling. I look up to see Nate charging after me with pancakes on our tray.

I've already grabbed the syrup and I'm ready with a fork.

“Wait! Before you tear my arm to pieces at least let me put the plate down." He grumbles setting my plate in front of me.

I do a quick inventory and see about ten of them on my plate. I think I can eat this in about 15 minutes.

Halfway through me stuffing for in my mouth I see Clint come in with my dad. They look around for a second before they spot us.

I swallow and tap Nate. He looks up at me weirdly and gestures for me to open my mouth. When he sees it clear I can speak.

“Dad, Clint. Three o'clock." I warn diving back into my food.

“Oh God it's pancake day... You're going to ruin pancake day for her." I heard Clint mumble to himself.

I frown and roll my eyes still scarfing down a pancake a minute.

“Jesus Nessa, you eat like five grown men." Dad joked laughing a little bit. I smile at him but the food in my mouth makes me look like a gerbil.

“Okay so Clint has something to tell you." Dad says immediately. I look up at Clint and he makes a strangled noise.

He chooses his words for a second then sighs. “For your safety we're going to send you with Stark to California."

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