5 × Scars - Daryl Dixon

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You accidentally see Daryl's scars, causing a heated, one-sided, argument. You try to calm him. It doesn't work out too well. Little does he know, you have your own share of scars.

Word Count - 624

You didn't mean to walk in on him You thought the showers were empty. But, you saw the scars on his back, and felt a sudden sadness come over you.

You quickly covered your eyes, picking up the clean pair of clothes you had dropped on the floor.

"I-I'm sorry Daryl! I thought you had already left!" You said still covering your eyes.

"Whatever, just get out." He replied roughly, not looking back at you.

You quickly ran back to your cell, almost slipping on the puddle of shower water left on the tiled floor.


Of course, Rick had you go on a run with Daryl the next day. You felt very uncomfortable riding on the back of his motorcycle, holding tightly onto his waist. But you shook your head, and thought of something else.

He stopped a few feet in front of a small grocery store, and helped you off the open vehicle.

You avoided his eyes, and stared at the floor, like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Let's go." He mumbled.

You followed him readying your gun, in case of walkers. Everytime your eyes met, you quickly adverted your gaze away from his. He looked annoyed but you didn't say anything.

"Ya saw my back." Daryl's voice was gruff and it cracked when he spoke.

You finally looked at him, and saw that he had stopped and was looking at you with a serious, yet pained, look on his face.

"Yes. And.. I know what you must have felt.. I-" He interrupted you before you could continue, "You ain't know anything about me. Ya don't know how how I feel. Just shut up!"

You flinched at his yelling and turned to walk in the other direction. You ignored his protests and walked outside. You sat down on the motorcycle and faced the other way, waiting for him to get on, and start driving.

"Get off my bike." You heard him say. "Walk home, it ain't to far from here."

You turned to him fuming. "You're going to send me out there alone?! You know Daryl, I do know how you feel okay? You can't decide how I feel. I have scars too, you know. You're not the only one that had a parent beat you everyday.." You now had a few tears trailing down your face. You took of your shirt, and threw it the ground.

He looked at you in shock as you fumbled with your bra clip, and eventually just ripped it off, and threw it to the ground along with your shirt.

There were dark bruises around your breasts, and large faded cuts all over your stomach, going to your back. After you realized what you had just done, you attempted to cover yourself, and wipe your tears at the same time.

You felt a pair of calloused hands grab your face. "I'm sorry." Was all he said.

You forgave him though, because you knew you should be grateful that he's even apologizing at all. But, all you did was nod as he picked up your shirt, and helped you put it back on.

You were surprised when you saw him start to take off his leather vest. You didn't say anything though, you didn't know what to say.

When he finally got it off, he put it on you and picked you up, placing you on the motorcycle. "Let's go now." He said as the two of you started driving.

(A/N - Leave requests please! 💕)

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