16 × Pizza Boy - Glenn Rhee

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Your saved by the pizza boy. He looks very familiar, but you don't know why? Does he remember you, though?

Word Count - 717

Setting - The Quarry

The dead was surrounding you. You could hear their moans as you tried to run. You got cut off by more of them in front of you. You were stuck in a circle of thousands of walkers.

The sound of gunshots and moans were all that filled the streets now.

You were pulled into a nearby ally. Thinking it was a walker you turned around with your gun to the thing's head. "Whoa! Not dead!" It was an Asian man with a baseball cap on. He pulled you through the ally and to a ladder. He followed after you, almost getting pulled down by one of the walkers in the process.

You got up to one of the platforms, panting. You didn't think you would get out of there alive. "What were you doing out there. You could of died." The young man said next to you.

"I went out of the store for a minute. Ran out of food. I wasn't really planning on getting surrounded."

"Yeah well you're a dumbass."

"Yeah, thanks for reminding me." You said sarcastically.

He didn't respond, as he was still breathing heavily.

"Thanks for helping me though, name's (Y/N)." You stuck your hand out.

"Glenn. You're welcome." He shook your hand.

"Oh no." He said looking down below your feet.

You saw one of the undead trying to climb up the ladder.

Glenn went ahead of you grabbing onto the ladder. He looked up. It was a really long way to go. "Bright side: It'll be the fall that kills us. I'm a glass-half-full kinda guy."

You laughed and started climbing after him. "Then let's just hope we don't fall."


Glenn brought you back to his camp where you met a whole group of people. You've never seen so many survivors. There had been a few that went into the department store you were in. They threatened to put a bullet through your head. So you killed them before they could.

You were sitting down by the lake just looking at the water. Glenn was sat next to you. You became good friends, and you only just met almost an hour ago.

"So Glenn, what did you do before people started rising from the dead?" You asked.

"Delivered pizza."

"Wait. Are you that guy that dropped the pizza on my front porch, and offered to pay me after?" You said giggling.

"I've dropped so many pizzas before. I don't think I'd remember one -- wait! Yeah I remember you! You ended up ordering another pizza.. You even requested that I delivered it to you." He said laughing.

You smirked. "I even invited you inside to watch a movie with me.. I didn't have any cash for a tip, but you insisted it was okay, so I ended up kissing you instead."

"O-oh yeah, I ran away from you after.." He blushed looking at the ground.

"You better not run away this time." You whispered leaning in.

"What?" He looked at you.

You tilted your head, careful not hit his hat, and kissed him softly. He kissed back immediately and put his hand on your thigh. You wrapped your arms around his neck lying down on the ground fully and pulling him on top of you. You felt his tongue on your lips and you allowed him entrance to the inside of your mouth. Pretty soon you were in a heated make-out session.

You pulled away after a while, needing air. You felt a blush creep up on your face. You were so confident before, and suddenly you were very embarrassed. He was leaning over you, and looking at you intently.

You were both panting and you heard someone clearing their throat. Glenn looked up and quickly got off of you. You looked up and saw Amy, Carol, and Jacqui. Amy and Jacqui had a smirk on their faces, while Carol just smiled.

You quickly got up grabbing Glenn's hand and dragging him back to camp.

You slowed down still holding his hand. "Come on pizza boy, why don't you show me your tent."

(A/N - Leave requests please! 💕)

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