18 × Leaving - Carl Grimes

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You were alone.. until a boy your age found you wandering by yourself in the forest. You were about to leave after being saved, but he offered to take you back with him.

Setting - Alexandria

Word Count - 1198

Step after step you treaded through the slim trees towering high above you. The blade of your knife stabbed through the rotten skulls of whatever walker came into view first.

Soon, you were surrounded by the dead; their groans echoing throughout the forest.

Your ammo had run out a while ago, so you were only left with your hunting blade and your own two fists. But that wasn't enough to get through the walkers.

You were about to get tackled to the grass below you when the sound of gunshots filled your ears. Your racing heart slowed it's pace when you realized that you were saved.

A tall boy, maybe around your age, walked up to you after all the walkers were on the ground, lifeless. He had a sheriff's hat on his head, topping his long brown hair. There was something about him that made your heart start racing again.

"What's your name?" He asked, his hand clenching onto the gun he was holding.

"(Y/N)," You replied bluntly.

There was no need to go into detail. You'd probably never see this boy again anyways.

"How many walkers have you killed?" He questioned.

You replied with a simple shrug as you wiped the knife in your hand with the hem of your shirt.

"How many people have you killed?"

You sighed heavily at his question. Was there a purpose to these questions, or was he just trying to make small talk?

"Three," Once again, you gave a simple reply.


"They tried to rape me."

You didn't even have to look at him, you could feel him flinch at your statement.

"Sorry," He said kicking his feet around, creating dust above the dirt under his feet.

"It's fine. It was a while ago," You said rubbing your neck. The conversation had become awkward quickly.

"Well, my names Carl. In case you were wondering..." He said quietly.

"Okay." There was a pause. "Well, I better get going then. I need to find something to eat," You said, turning to walk away.

"Wait, where are you going?" Carl grabbed your arm before you could get too far.

"Nowhere in particular actually. Guess I'll just end up where my feet take me, " You responded, smiling at him.

"I live in a big community with a lot of people. But we could always use another set of hands. If you want to come back with me..." He looked at you with hope in his pale blue eyes.

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