12 × Your Eye - Carl Grimes

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You loved Carl Grimes. With or without his right eye. He will just have to learn to love himself.

Setting - Alexandria

Word Count - 656

"Carl?" You woke up and Carl wasn't there next to you. "Carl? Where are you?" You called out for him, but there was nothing. He wasn't there. He wasn't allowed to leave the house because he was shot in the eye a few days ago. Denise let him go back home, but he had to stay inside the house until she decided he was able to go out and start doing things again.

This made you get up, putting on a fresh shirt, which was Carl's, but nobody besides Michonne and Rick knew that, you were pretty sure he didn't care anyways.

You went downstairs and saw Michonne feeding Judith. "Good morning."

They both looked at you. "Oh, morning (Y/N). I see you're wearing one of Carl's shirts again." Michonne said, a smirk on her face.

"Uh yeah, do you know where he is. He wasn't in bed this morning." You blushed.

"Yeah, I think he went to the bathroom. He's been in there for a while, you should go check on him."

You nodded kissing Judith on the head, and walking towards the bathroom. You knocked and there was no answer. The door was locked.

"Carl? Are you in there." You could hear small sniffles from inside. "Carl, babe open the door for me please." Your worry increased as you heard a loud crash in the bathroom.

"Carl? Are you okay? Open the door!" You started to bang on the door with your fist. He still didn't answer you.

You now had tears in your eyes as you ran back to the kitchen. "Michonne!"

She jumped and looked at you concerned. "What's wrong?"

"He's not answering. He won't open the door. I think he's crying too. I don't know what to do! Please get him to come out.."

She got up. "Stay here with Judith."

You sat down next to Judith as Michonne left to the bathroom. "I hope your brother's okay." You cried. Judith reached towards you clearly wanting to get out of the highchair.

You chuckled slightly as you picked her up in your arms. She gave you a kiss on the cheek, making your heart melt.

You rocked her in your arms, making her eyes close slightly. After a few minutes she drifted off to sleep.

You carried her over to her crib laying her down gently. When you were sure she was okay you walked over to the couch and laid down with your head on one of the armrests.

Michonne walked in shortly after. "He's upstairs."

You got up quickly and ran to the room you shared with Carl, almost tripping on the stairs.

When you saw him sitting on the bed you shut the door and walked over to him. You reached for him, but he pulled away. "Carl?"

He didn't look at you, suddenly more interested in the floor than you.

"Carl. Look at me."

When he didn't do anything you grabbed his face gently, turning it towards you. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. I'm fine."

"You're not fine. I heard you crying in the bathroom. Tell me, please.."

He finally stopped looking at the floor. "Do you love me?"

"What?" You asked shocked.

"Do you love me?" He repeated.

"Why are you asking such a stupid question?"

He sighed. "Just answer the question (Y/N).."

"Yes, I love you. Is this because of you're eye? Carl, I love you no matter what you look like. You know that. Losing your eye won't change --" You were cut off by your boyfriend's lips pressed against yours.

"Thank you.. I love you too." He kissed you again gently with his hands on your waist.

You smiled into the kiss knowing in your head, that you really loved this boy.

(A/N - Leave requests please! 💕)

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