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"You're beautiful tonight." - Park Jimin

-long chapter coming :)

The next few days that past by, Jimin didn't bother getting near Eun-Byul nor Namjoon after the scene he saw in the kitchen.

The other princes had worried about what was happening between Eun-Byul and Jimin, wondering what had happened between the two.

Frankly, Jimin was the only one to know. Eun-Byul was really struck by Jimin's new behavior.

But all she had thought was about Chan-Ri. That this all had happened because Jimin had someone in his heart, and sadly, it wasn't her.

"Eun-Byul!" Someone exclaimed as she walked, dragging her feet before looking up for the voice. She saw Jungkook, running towards her before grinning.

"Oh, hello, Prince Jungkook." She greeted, making him chuckle.

"Don't worry about calling me a prince! You are my soon-to-be sister-in-law anyways." The boy giggled, making her feel down after hearing his words.

"Yeah... I guess so." She mumbled, making Jungkook gaze upon her before he cleared his throat.

"Anyways, I heard there was a royal banquet tonight. You have to go." Jungkook looked at her, her eyes a bit emotionless.

"Thank you for informing me." She replied, gulping slightly. Jungkook nodded, looking at the time on his watch awkwardly.

He wanted to ask Eun-Byul what had happened so desperately, but he knew it would only make the mood worse. So, he decided to keep quiet. However, it didn't stop him from asking how she felt.

"Oh, guys!" Another yelled, the pair looking behind them as Prince Taehyung joined them. He wrapped his arm around Eun-Byul, making her glance over at him.

Jungkook saw the uneasy look on her face, making him push the boy's arm off her shoulder. "You're making her uncomfortable." He muttered, making Taehyung nod.

"Sorry." He apologized, making Eun-Byul chuckle.

"It's fine, Taehyung." She stated, a bit of hesitation since she didn't address him as a prince. However, Taehyung only grinned.

"Eun-Byul?" Jungkook started.


"Are you okay?" He asked, making her look over at him before giving him the best smile she could and nodding.

She had to put on this facade if that meant reassuring her fellow friends in the castle to be not worried for her. She had to be independent and somehow... just somehow... get over it.

"Jungkook, Taehyung, I'll see you both around. I'm going to prepare for tonight." She spoke up, making the friends quickly nod as he let her go ahead. He watched her walk away from behind, his head slightly tilted.

Jungkook looked over at Taehyung, a look of dismay written on his face as Taehyung exchanged the same.

"We have to figure this out." Taehyugn sighed, raking his hair back a bit.

"We're going to have to think of something. We have to tell the hyungs about this." Jungkook replied, Taehyung nodding before they ran off the other way.


Finally, night had come over the day, and people had started to enter the Busan Palace. Eun-Byul just sat on her bed, her hands fiddling together.

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