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"I lost you once, I don't want to lose you twice." - Lee Eun-Byul

After the large speech ended, the family and Eun-Byul went inside, stillness closing in on all of them. Jimin observed as the female doctor kept quiet after his confession. He felt regret yet, he knew he had to say it eventually.

"What do you think people think?" Hoseok asked, grabbing attention from the whole family. "They didn't seem so joyous nor angered."

"Who cares what they think," Yoongi shrugged. "It's our family affairs, not theirs."

"They're our people, hyung." Jimin ridiculed, crossing his arms. "Leading a kingdom means including your people. In everything." Jimin explained. Eun-Byul had a small grin written on his face at the King's words, the change in his heart growing brighter each day.

"He's right," Eun-Byul spoke up, catching the attention of all the Park's. She crossed her arms as they kept their slow pace back to the King's bedroom, everyone's eyes on her. "Leading is believing in your people. They are your judges, they are the people affected by your change. It's like going to an audition and being watched by over a million people. Not many make it."

"Well, you still know the way of leading, don't you?" Jungkook giggled at his older. "Did you not lead back in Gwacheon?"

"No, I didn't want to." She replied. "I temporarily wanted to be a doctor, since that was my first dream at the least; but now, it's permanent."

Jimin glowered at her last statement, looking away. 'Permanent? So she doesn't want to lead anymore...? But she's great at it!'

Mr. Park saw the furrowed temples his son had as he avoided her gaze from his ex-lover, the old man getting an idea.

"Jimin, how about you escort the girl to the kitchen? I'm feeling hungry."

The two gazed up at the King before Jimin subtly nodded. The other five headed off towards Mr. Park's bedroom as the two stayed behind and went back the other way.

"So..." Eun-Byul started, gulping. "How've you been all these years?"

"I'm working on it." He chuckled. "It was hard without you around. Especially at my coronation."

"Why so?" She replied, fiddling with her fingers kept behind her back.

"Because I wanted to rule with you." He muttered, anxious. "I wanted you to be there when I am the King of Busan."

"Well I'm here temporarily now, aren't I?" She inquired, shrugging. "Plus, you did well being on your own. You learned a lot."

Jimin sighed frustratingly, knowing this conversation won't go anywhere; it was an empty threat. "Look, Eun-Byul. I'm sorry about the event that happened three years ago. I'm sorry I didn't prevent Mrs. Park from taking you away, from not protecting what we had-"

"If you were sorry, King Jimin," The girl started, tears brimming her eyes. "Then you wouldn't have let me go. You wouldn't let me go off to another kingdom to be supported by people I barely knew."

"Eun-Byul, it was a grave mistake!" He exclaimed, a lone tear rolling down his cheek. "I loved you, then and now! There were so many things I regret, that I miss. I miss us, Eun-Byul. Every single part of us. Even if we are different people-"

"We are and always will be different people, the royal-"

"Damn us being a royal contrast, Eun-Byul!" He exclaimed, grasping her hands as the two halted, the King walking towards her. "This is about us, not a stereotype, not a rumor, not a label. It's our relationship, not anyone else's."

She peered up at the majestic ceiling, chuckling. "Is there an us, Jimin?" The girl shook her head, lowering her head back down. "Everything is against us. We are two people, living in different lives. You saw me on the streets of a different Busan. You chose me for what? For a contract, not love."

"It's unforgettable." She hushed, a tear flowing down the girl's cheek, hurt filling her heart. Jimin sighed as he embraced her, wiping the tears that slid endlessly down her face.

"I'm sorry," The King uttered, but he wanted to know the truth. "Do you... forgive me?" That was all the boy could choke out, anxious to say his feelings. It was hard, especially after the tough event that broke them apart. It's repetitive in their minds, looping in vivid red paint.

 "I always have... it's just..." She started, clasping his soft jacket as if it was the end of the world. "I don't want to leave Gwacheon... but I don't want to leave you."

He smiled gently at the girl, stroking her straightened hair. "You don't have to choose over your job in a kingdom and me. I'm always here," He stated, but she just shook her head. 

"I felt lonely without you." The girl gulped, hesitant of her words. 

"I lost you once, I don't want to lose you twice." The two made eye contact as Jimin smiled softly, before crashing his lips on the girl, kissing her tenderly. The way they both yearned for each other's taste, as their lifelong puzzle has once again been formed, they felt warm, complete.

His hands found way to her hips, steadying his arms around her. Eun-Byul responded by tossing her arms around his neck, tussling the back of his blonde hair.

Eun-Byul pulled away, lowering her gaze. Jimin kissed the girl's head, the two giggling with each other as they stood enchantingly in the halls.

Disappointed but not surprisingly, Mrs. Park viewed from one end of the hall, restraining the anger as she sighed, her eyes clasped closed, before muttering to herself,

"Maybe it's time to give my sons, all of them, their hopes. Their love."


"Here's your soup, Mr. Park," Eun-Byul stated as Jimin held the bedroom door open for her, eyeing Jimin as he smirked at her.

"Thank you, darling." Mr. Park smiled, grabbing the soup softly from her hands, grasping the spoon and taking a sip. "I'm guessing you made it?"

"No, King Jimin did." The girl stated, everyone, widening his eyes. The boy was not one to cook, especially since one time, he almost burned down the palace.

"Does it taste good, father?!" Hoseok gasped, placing his palm on Mr. Park. "Nothings' overcooked, right?!"

"I'm not that bad," Jimin pouted, strolling over and placing his hand on Eun-Byul's clothed hip. The only one who was missing was Namjoon, but he was off doing chores after the two lovers went to fetch soup. 

"Woah," Yoongi smirked, pointing at his hands. "You two are back together again?" Eun-Byul realized the sly fox's hand on her waist, smacking at it. The King immediately retracted his hand, frowning.

"We're not back together, but we're on better terms. We're easygoing people." Eun-Byul shrugged.

"He wasn't so easygoing while you were in a different kingdom, darling."

"Father, don't you dare-"

"He was crying, whining. He became so cold for us." The old man said croakily, chuckling dryly. "He yearned for you to come back and didn't dare set himself on the throne-"

"Alright!" Jimin exclaimed, intervening as everyone started to laugh at his tantrum. Jimin clasped Eun-Byul's hand, squeezing it gently.

"I promise, I'll-"

"Eun-Byul!" Namjoon swung through the bedroom, frantic plastered on his face. However, before she could have replied to the boy, a lady came in.

Eun-Byul narrowed her eyes as the boys widened them, Yoongi stammering as Jimin let go of her hand.



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