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"Goodnight, my bride." - Park Jimin

It was a day before the wedding, Eun-Byul gazing at the setup for decorations. "Ah, move the tables a bit more spaciously. We need all the townspeople to fit." She said, making the guards move them around a bit more. She gave them a thumbs up, going over to her sister. Ga-Young was doing the flower arrangements.

"Wait, I'll help-"

"You're the bride, idiot," Ga-Young stated. "Help, my butt. Go sit down somewhere." Eun-Byul grumbled, crossing her arms. Eun-Byul didn't just want to sit around and do nothing, everyone was doing this for her wedding, so she had to repay them somehow!

"She's right, baby," Someone back hugged the bride, and it's of course, Jimin. "You need to take some time for yourself. All you've been doing is wedding planning. I should be doing this for my lovely fiancee."

"I'm doing this for you and the townspeople," Eun-Byul pouted, turning around as Jimin slid his hands down to her waist. "You can't just be the only one working hard."

"And you too." Jimin kissed the girl's nose, a giggle escaping both of their mouths. Ga-Young pretended to hurl, finishing the arch of flowers. "Alright, that's enough lovebirds. Some of the kingdoms have arrived, you might want to appoint them to their rooms."

"Ah, yes!" Eun-Byul squeaked, trying to get out of the groom's arms, but he only held her tighter. "Let's go, my lovely queen." He spun her around, The two holding hands as they headed off to the carriages.

"Ugh, so cheesy." Wonho hurled, Ga-Young laughing. "I know, right?" The two laughed, starting to chat. The engaged couple went to say hello until Eun-Byul's eyes landed on someone.

"Hyo-Ri!" She squealed, the princess snapping her head as she excitedly squeaked as well. "Eun-Byul!" The two ran over, giving each other a bold hug.

"Hyo-Ri, what did I say about- Oh, King Park..." King Min cleared his throat, seeing the glares from Eun-Byul and Jimin. "It's good to see you two, King Min," Eun-Byul said, releasing herself from the hug as she curtsied.

"I hope we work well together in the future, right?" Eun-Byul stated boldly, a forced smile written on her face. King Min simply nodded, unmistakably scared of her. "Of course." He choked out, averting his gaze from the engaged girl.

"Anyways, Hyo-Ri, how have you been? You haven't called me." Eun-Byul frowned, Hyo-Ri sighing. "I had some princess-ly affairs most of the time. It's good to have you back. Even better, you're getting married!"

"I know, right!" Eun-Byul squeaked, and Jimin mocked her by squealing too. Both ladies turned to the mocking boy, disgust written on their faces. "Stop, baby," Eun-Byul stated, the boy scoffing as he hugged her. The three all laughed, going to greet more of the kingdoms.

"Seokjin!" Eun-Byul grinned as she called out to the King, the three brothers of Gwacheon turning their heads to the sound.

"Oh, Eun-Byul, Jimin!" Seokjin said joyfully, hugging his best friend. Taehyung grinned at Eun-Byul, crossing his arms. "I see we have our beautiful couple back to rule the lands~!" Taehyung mused, seeing as the couple blushed.

"Shut up~" The engaged couple whined, grabbing each other's hands. Seokjin glanced over at Hyo-Ri, who was gazing at him.

"Ah, princess Hyo-Ri." He bowed, the girl frantically curtseying at the King.

"Oh, King Seokjin!" She chuckled awkwardly. "It's nice to see you again."

The King flushed red, nodding. "You too."

Eun-Byul snickered at the (obviously) in love pair, knowing a spare will come along eventually.

"Am I the only one who notices Seokjin hyung's gaze at her?" Jimin whispered to Eun-Byul, the girl shaking her head slowly. "Let them figure it out themselves; it was what we did, right?" She teased, Jimin giggling as he kissed her cheek.

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