I'm Fine.

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The alarm went off and all the paladins are being called. Lance jumps out of bed and grabs his glasses from off his night-stand. Lance would usually put on his eye-contacts but it would take to long. Lance didn't really need them it's just that it was hard to see from really far away.
Lance runs off and gets his suit on then runs into the room where everyone is waiting for him. Lance tried to be as fast as he could but everyone still beat him to it. "Everyone to your lions!!!" Allura said while goving Lance a dirty look.
Lance ran over to Blue and she opened her mouth to let him in. Once Lance got in his chair he took off..Yet...Everyone took off before him.
Threw out the fight Lance didpretty good. But whenever someone messed up they'd blame Lance. When they got back they all complemented each other. They've wone the fight. Everyone was telling Keith and Takashi how good they were doing out there. But the things they said they did was things Lance did..Lance stood there and waited for someone to come up and complement him on something..Anything...But no one came.
Takashi wanted to get to Lance but couldn't from all the people in front of him. Once he tried but it was to late. Lance was already heading to his room. Lance tried to keep calm and hold back his tears. Once he had left the room and was out of sight he just started running. Lance ran all the way to his room in tears.
Once Lance got into his room he tripped and fell onto the cold; hard floor. Lance just broke down. Am I just invisible!? I never get credit for my work..I'm worthless to this team. No one would fucking care if I left... Lance was lost in the dark part of his thoughts. Lance crawled to his bed and grabbed the knife he had under his bed.


One cut


Two cuts


Three cuts


Four cuts

Lance had deep cuts going up his arms. They're were also scars from the time's he'd cut before. Lance has done this so many times that he would get tiered or dizy at random now. Thats why he's been doing this less now. But tonight he was just going at his arm as if he hated it.
Once Lance was done he cleaned it all up. Lance but bandages over his whole arm. Frombthe top of his arm down to his wrist. I should just kill myself..I'm not wanted anyways. Lance walked out of his room after calming down. Lance made sure that it was imposible to tell that he was crying. Lance noticed that everyone was already in the dining room.
Why didn't they call me for dinner? Lance got close and sat next to the entrance.
"Lance is always messing around."
They hate you.
"Why do we need him on the team anyway?"
"Can't anyone take his place?"
Lance got up and walked to his room. "I think I lost my appetite.." Lance muttered softly as he walked off. Lance got to his room and sat on the bed to think. But his mind was clouded by his life at home. Mama always knew how to cheer me up. That one song she always sang to me. Lance got up and walked to his guitar. Lance sat in the corner of his room and started to sing Cry Baby-By Melanie Martinez.
You seem to replace your brain with your heart.
You take things so hard and then you fall apart.
You try to explain but before you can start.
Those Cry Baby Tears, come out of the dark.
Someone's turning the handle, to the faucet in your eyes.
You poor it out where everyone can see.
Lance sang his hear away. Lance had quite the beautiful voice. Once he got to his favorit part he raised his voice and it sounded amazing.
They call me Cry Baby,
Cry Baby,
But I don't Fucking care.
Lance felt better, this song made him feel better because of the massage. Lance remember when his mother used to send it to him. If anything he got his vocals from her. "I miss you Mamí..Te Amo Mama..." Lance put his guitar down and walked to his bed in tears. Lance has never cried himself to sleep that night. Lance missed when Mama stroked his hair and sang him a song to sleep. The songs all beautiful coming from her.

Word count 774.

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