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Takashi picked Lance up and ran him to the healing pods. Takashi grapped the suit and was gonna change him. Takashi was a bit hesitant to but he could see some blood staining his clouths and he knew he had to. Takashi took off Lance's hoody, then his shirt. Takashi stood there in shock. Endless cuts and scars going up his arms as threw his stomach. Takashi pulled Lance's pants down leaving him in his underwear. Lance pulled the underwear up to check his thighs but there was cuts there too.
Takashi was on the verge of tears. Takashi just wanted to hug Lance and tell him that it was all gonna be ok. That he will be there to help him every step of the way. But he couldn't from the fear that Lance would die on him right in his arms. Takashi pulled off Lance's boxers and put on the suit. Then he put him in the healing pod. Takashi ran to the group that were finishing dinner and told Allura and Coran to follow him. Once they saw Lance Allura made an annoydd face for a second bit Coran was worried and went to start everything up. Allura did what she could and so did Coran. Takashi sat and waited worried. Allura left for bed not really caring. But Coran sat next to Takashi.
"What happened..?" Takashi glanced at Coran and sighed before looking down again. "I found Lance crying in his Lion, we decided to talk about it in his room. Once we waljed out of his Lion he passed out. I took him here then I noticed the blood. When I went to check his wonds I saw endless cuts going up his arms starting from the wrist. There was cuts on his stomach and even on his thighs." Coran had a horrifide look on his face. Coran started to tear up and he looked away. "It's because the team is saying and treating him horribly..I alway see it happen but I never say anything about it. But I never though..-" Takashi felt horrible. Takashi never realized it even when it was right in front of him.
Coran and Takashi decided to comfort each other. After a couple minuts has passed Coran checked on Lance. "Looks like he wont be up within an hour or two. Should we wake up the team and inform them about what happened..?" Takashi got up and nodded. Coran came in threw the innercon. "Paladins! Please come to the healing pods. We need to have a talk." Coran repeated himself again and again until everyone was there. They all seemed annoyed. "What's up this time." Keith barked. They noticed Lance and they all groaned in annoyance. "Shut Up!" Everyone was rooken back. No one has heard Takashi soumd so mad and hurt. They started scalding the team and telling them what happened. They all had a look of shock and they all seemed upset. "Your saying..This happened because of up." Pidge's voice was a little shaky and it soumded like she was about to brake down.
Takashi and Coran loooed at each other. After the 'talk' they all went for there room. All but Takashi and Coran that is.
Takashi and Coran layed things out so if Coran and him fall asleep at least Lance would land on something soft.
Word Count: 566

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