Work for what you already have but they can't see.

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Lance woke up on the floor. I guess I fell off the bwd last night.. Lance walked out of his room and saw the lights were off and there was no more noise. It must be late. Lance was on his way to the kitchen wich..had it's light on. Lance heard Takashi's voice. He was talking to someone!?
Lance had always liked Takashi. Ever simce the Garrison. Shit with his kind heart Lance thought he might have even fallen in love with him. But Lance always pushed the thought away. Your just asking for your heart to be broken more then it already is. His most likely straight.. Allura's voice came threw. "Shiro I..I love you." Lance blocked the rest of the conversation out. Lance had hot tears running down his face. Lance covered his mouth before running off. Takashi heard the foot steps and ran out of the kitchen. Just to see who it might of been. Takashi felt his heart sink, of the thought of it being Lance. Lance chaised the footsteps but they disappeared. They must have gone to there room.. Takashi rested his hand on his chest. Why did that hurt so much...Takashi had no choice but to go back to Allura. Takashi glanced back at the hallway hesitantly.
Lance fell onto his knees with his hand gripped onto his shirt. Lance wanted to scream out and cry. Lance grabbed his blade once more. There was no more room on his arms so he moved to his stomach, then thighs. Lance was so hurt emotionally that it felt physical. Lance's chest felt heavy and hurt. The pain felt never ending. As if he had no chest. As if it was Hollow. But it still hurted. Lance forced himself to sleep that night. A restless slumber.
When Lance woke up he didn't move from his bed. Lance didn't know what to do. Lance wasn't motivated to get out of bed anymore. Lance just wanted it all to be one bad nightmare. But the pain and bloor was still there. Lance waited a little before getting up from bed. "I'm gonna train just so I can get better. I mean then how else will I they see that I'm good too."
Lance just wanted to forget everything. Lance walkdd over to the trainng room with his bayard and started training. After that he went to take a shower. Then he would eat dinner. Then sleep the rest of the day away. That's all he did. Train, Eat, Sleep. Life was suddenly meaningless. Allura and Takashi seem closer as frieds wich was all they were. But Lamce was convinced that they were going out.
Suddenly there was a mission that he had to do. Lance's mind was foggy. "Mission..inhabet....galra..." Lance could only make out some details. Everyone got to there lion's and so did Lance. They all took off and went off to fight the galra. Lance did amazing even though he was feeling a little weird.
Once they all got back to the castle with yet another successful mission. Everyone got out of there lion's. Everyone except Lance that is. As always everyone was glorifing Keith and Takashi for Lance's work. Everyone seemed to forget about Lance and they all headed to dinner. Though Takashi stayed behind. Takashi was the only one to remember about Lance. Fuck, that was all he thought about.
Takashi walked over to blue and knocked on the door. Blue would usually keep her mouth closed but she felt somethjng was wrong with Lance. So Blue opened her mouth and let Takashi come in. Takashi walked into Lance crying in his seat. Takashi rested his hand on Lance's sholder; concern and worry filling him. "What's wrong Lance..?"
Lance jumped up from the surprise and he whiped his tears away as fast as he could. "N-Nothing! I just was a little tooken back by an attack on me. It cought me off guard." Lier. Takashi felt that, that wasn't it. It was the feeling of uneasiness at the pit of his stomach. "Lance let's talk.." Lance glanced over at Takashi and Takashi knew there was definitely something wrong. Takashi could see it in Lance's shiny ocean eyes. They looked like they were on the verge of falling into a black hole. Takashi never failed to drown in his ocean eyes.
"A-About what!?" Lance seemed alarmed a little by the sudden 'lets talk' thing. Takashi started. "Well you haven't really been communicating with the team. You haven't been eating much and you train all day. You like to stay in your rooms and sometimes it scares me how long you stay in there. There's something wrong and I can tell."
Lance was a little tooken back. Someone noticed?? But that never happened. Why would he noticed out of everyone else. Lance put his thoughts back together and got up. "Lets talk about it in my room, ok?" Takashi gave Lance a warm smile as he nodded. They both headed out when suddenly Lance felt dizy. Black and purple dots clouded his vision when all of a sudden. Bam! Lance collapsed on the floor. "LANCE!!!"
Word Count: 869

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