Surprising my beauty((Chapter 7))

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((Lances POV))

I slowly opened my eyes and looked over to find nothing but an empty bed. I sighed and covered my eyes with my hands. "So that was just a dream.." I slide my hands down so it covers my mouth; looking up at my ceiling. "It felt so real though.." I sit up with a small sigh. "I'm so stupid..why would he ever like someone like me.." Suddebly my door slid open and I almost had a heart attack. I yelled in fear as I fell on the floor.

I quickly sat up and saw Shiro. I started to relax a little and suddenly started laughing. I guess it was a little funny so I joined into the laughter. Though Takashi was dying of laughter on the floor. I crawl tp him with a small smile. "C'mon it wasn't that funny." I chuckle a little and he hugged me calming down a little. "You should have seen yourself." Takashi responded with a smalm smile spread accross his face.

Takashi got up. "Ok get ready we're going out." I blunk and suddenly it hit me what he meant. "Oh! ok."

Takashi got up and helped me up. "I'll meet you in the loby." I nodded and turned around to my closet excited.


((Takashis POV))

I let my heavy body fall onto the couch. I had slightly baggy ripped jeans that were black. Along with that I had a tight black shirt that was confortable though you could see my fairly well built body threw it, though only slightly. Along with it was a jacket that you usually see jocks wear.  I had my hair brushed and I was washed up. I smelled like Sauvage, I liked it since it wasnt a strong smell.

Then suddenly my angle walkes threw those doors and I see him in his beauty. He had on slightly tight black pants that weren't to tight. As for thr top it was a blue, white, and black button up shirt. It wasnt fully button up since one half of the bottom was tucked in half way. but not fully as for the sides with buttons was sticking up fully. He had on big glasses that were circular.

His beautiful brown hair was curly and he had freckles splattered on his face. I never noticed them before. Did he curl his hair? When did he get so many freckles? What the quiznak!? He looked like a prince. I quickly sat up. "Lance y-you look amazing!" Lance giggled and scratched the back of his head. "You mean it?" I nodded happily as I got up and walked to him. "You know you don't look bad yourself." I wrapped my arm around him and we walked over to my lion wich happily let us in.

Once we were in I sat in my seat and Lance sat on my lap. I didn't mind it at all. He softly hald onto me as we took off. "Where are we going?" Lance asked. I just smiled and kept piloting. Lance then noticed a ukalele I had in the corner of the room. Lance got excited and walked to it; sitting on the floor were the ukalele was he strumed the strings noticing it was a little out of tune. So he started tuning it wich surprised me. "Do you play?" Lance asked and I shook my head. "I could never get the fingerings right."

I look over to see small paintings of the ocean that me and my ex adam painted on there. I miss him..but the past cant be undone so its time to focus on the future. "Is it ok if I play? Lance asked and I nodded.

When Lance started putting down the fingerings for the entry I immediately recognized it. It was a good song my Melanie Martinez, it's called "Orange Juice." The song was about anorexia. It teaches an amazing lessons and it changed my way of life. Im not sure that I'd be here with out that song. It helpped me threw so much. You dont need to have the body of a modle to be loved by people. You dont need to be the thinest girl nor the strongest boy to be accepted. Its your body and thats why you should appreciate it. Cause if you try to look like everybody else then ypur nothing but a replica of a person. Your no longer the person that excisted before you changed your body. If you change to look like someone then you are just a copy of them.

((From here on out is lyrics + the music video))

"Oh, oh, stick it down your throat
I'm watching from the bathroom
Making sure I don't choke, choke
From the words you spoke 
When you're screaming at the mirror
Now you're sitting in the cafeteria
Shoving clementines and orange bacteria
Down your throat a dozen times a year, yeah
For another 'round of your bulimia

You turn oranges to orange juice
Into there, then spit it out of you
Your body is imperfectly perfect
Everyone wants what the other one's working
No orange juice

We cry OJ
We cry OJ
We cry OJ
We cry OJ

Oh, oh, I believe you chose 
to blow it on the reading carpet
That's what happens when you're starvin'
Please say that you won't continue
Ordering oranges off the menu
Stuffin' up your mouth like t-t-tissue
The way you look is not an issue

You turn oranges to orange juice
Into there, then spit it out of you
Your body is imperfectly perfect
Everyone wants what the other one's working
No orange juice

We cry OJ
We cry OJ
We cry OJ
We cry OJ

Ooh, I wish I could give you my set of eyes
'Cause I know your eyes ain't working, mmm
I wish I could tell you that you're fine, so fine
But you will find that disconcerting

You turn oranges to orange juice
Into there, then spit it out of you
Your body is imperfectly perfect
Everyone wants what the other one's working
No orange juice

We cry OJ
We cry OJ
We cry OJ
We cry OJ"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2019 ⏰

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