Is this real..?((Chapter 4))

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((Lance's POV))

I felt so cold..It was so dark in here... Lance looked around frantically but saw nothing but black. Suddenly a voice broke threw. "Worthless." B-But it sounded like Takashi's voice.. "Faggot, why would I ever love you. Your so fucking disgusting." Lance started sobbing since he knew that he agreed. This went on for what felt like hourse till he finally woke up. Lance felt air hitting his face then something soft. Lance groaned and opened his eyes to where he looked around at a empty room. Lance heard foot steps and sat up quickly getting up. Lance was still out of the right mindset since he just woke up. "Lance!!!"
Lance jumped slightly at the two voices thst he heard. "H-Huh?" Lance looked over at the door. Coran and Takashi ran twords him and rapped him in a tight hug. Lance finally snapped back to reality but didn't realize the tears falling down his face. Lance slowly rapped his arms around Takashi and Coran.
Lance hward Takashi mutter. "Don't you ever fucking scare me like that again." Lance felt weak at his knees and he felt diffrent. He forgot how relief and happyness felt like till then. They care..They didn't let me die...Lance felt a small smile tugging at his lips. "Ok.." Lance muttered back and they pulled away scaning me. Lance was sat down and Coran was giving Lance a funny lecture while Takashi checked his body for the cuts. They were all scares but the cuts wete healed. They were all memories of the worst days. Once they were done and Lance said bye Lance went to his room.

((Takashi POV))

I went to my room but I couldn't get him out of my head. I just wanna go to his room and hold him and tell him that everything was gonna be ok. That I love him..All cause I love you Lance..After what felt like a minute I got back up and rushed to Lances room. I can't help him I need to see him..

((Lance POV))

I can't take this I need to cut..After I sat in my bed the silence got to me. I got up and ran threw my room looking for blades but non of them were there. Lance sat down on his bed and dug his nails into his arms. What the hell is happening..Where the hell are my blades...Suddenly I heard that angelic voice at the worst time. "Lance..I need to see you..."
I pull my nails out of of my skin and pull my sweater up over my solder before whiping my tears.
I bite my bottom lip since the tears didn't wanna go away. "Lance I'm coming in." I pull a pillow to my face as I hear the doors open. "Lance..?" I hear foot steps coming closer then the sound of more weight on my bed. I hear the door close and feel a metal arm rap around my back and softly grab my sholder; pulling me into his chest.

Worthless Waist [Langst]🖤Shance💙Where stories live. Discover now