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Maeme finds herself sitting cross legged on the ground in the training area, Kisame propped up against his sword across from her. She runs her fingers through her hair to knock loose bits of dirt from the knots. Their fights always got messy considering their chakra natures, but this time Maeme had done a fair bit of rolling around on the ground to avoid his attacks.

"Alright, quit stalling. A deal's a deal."

"Yeah, yeah," she mumbles, waving off his impatience. "There isn't anything between Sasori and myself except that I was under the care of his grandmother for the last four years."

"Then why protect him? That answer was also part of the bet."

She sticks her tongue out at him in defiance but sighs.

"No one else knows about it besides the person I made the agreement with and myself, so these word must never be spoken to anyone, not even Sasori or I will cut your tongue out."

"I got it, now get on with it."

"My parents were murdered when I was younger, shortly after coming to Suna. I didn't have anyone to care for me, so his grandmother decided to take me in and teach me medical skills in exchange for vowing to protect Sasori with my life for the rest of my life. I agreed to the terms and have kept my word since then, one of the terms being that he will never know."

"So that's why you were eager to fight me in order to stay. But since you both defected, couldn't you just ditch him and she would never know the difference?"

"I could," She nods. "But I am a woman of my word. I owe my life to her so I will give mine for him."

Kisame frowns as he looks down at her. She arches a brow at the pity showing in his eyes.

"Are you sure you want to throw away your life to protect someone you don't have feelings for?"

"I don't have anything else going for me, so why not? No family, no friends, no lover. My existence now solely revolves around Sasori, nothing more, and I am okay with that."

"I'm not one to get philosophical or anything but maybe you should find something to give you a reason to live for yourself."

"That sounds entirely useless."

Kisame and Maeme part ways a few minutes later and Maeme decides to search the kitchen for something to eat. She pauses in the middle of digging through a cabinet as Konan enters the room. She knew of the other female's existence in the organization but Konan was rarely seen and definitely not without Pein beside her. The blue haired woman smiles lightly at the blonde before grabbing an apple from the countertop. Maeme pulls out a ramen cup and sets a pot of water to boil on the stove.

"Konan, can I ask you a question?" She asks, unable to calm her racing thoughts.

"Of course, what is it?"

"What does it mean to live for yourself?"

"It means that your thoughts and actions are only to fulfill your wishes and desires. Everything you do is for your benefit and happiness."

"But I don't understand. Why would I care what happens to myself?"

Maeme sighs and rests her chin on her hand from her perch on the counter.

"Some people value their lives and make themselves a priority over others. What makes you ask?" Konan asks, wondering what caused the usually closed off girl to be so open.

"Ah, it's nothing. Don't worry about it. Thank you for your answer though."

Maeme slips off the counter, her feet gently hitting the floor as she disappears through the doorway with her ramen cup in hand.

Reluctantly, she returns to the room she shares with Sasori in order to wash away the dirt caked to her body and dress her wounds. The redhead is roughly where she'd left him, his chair having been moved back to its original place. His attention is thoroughly engrossed in the puppet pieces and poisons littering his desk. She rolls her eyes and sighs before tossing the empty cup into the trash can on her way to the bathroom.


She ignores him entirely and closes the door behind her. She turns the water on, stripping down as the water starts to steam the room. As her fingers move to unclasp her bra, she notices Sasori in the room with her.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" She asks, her voice dangerously low.

"You didn't answer me." He answers simply, unaffected by her half naked appearance.

"I didn't answer you on purpose and I'd like to take a shower in peace."

"I still don't understand why you've stayed by me throughout the years. I have done nothing to signal my desire for it, yet you're here still. Why is that? Why does your presence disrupt my thoughts?"

Maeme swallows the growing pit of anger as she glares up at the redhead.

"Get. Out. Now."

Sasori gives her a questioning look but complies, leaving her to shower as angry tears burn her eyes.

When Maeme returns to the bedroom fully dressed, her damp hair braided back away from her face, she stops beside his desk and punches him. To her surprise, he doesn't block the attack and pauses his work to look up at her.

"I understand that my presence isn't desired and that I'm disruptive, but that is something you will have to deal with. Whether you like it or not, I am here for one reason only and I don't plan to abandon it. The only way that I will no longer be in your way is if you strike me down yourself. End my life if it will ease your suffering. Until then, I will avoid your path."

Without waiting for a response, she leaves the room slamming the door shut behind her.

The Secrets We Keep *COMPLETE* (Sasori x OC? / Itachi x OC?)Where stories live. Discover now