Part 1

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17 years old Brooklyn born in the USA had a dream of being the next Alex morgen so when she was young all she did was do all she could to control a ball at her feet and watch ever Alex morgen highlights and games as she could so when it came time she could be the best of the best and that just what she was going to do.

Brooklyn was a sleep and it was just about time for her alarm to go off for school she stirred in her sleep and started to wake up she turn her alarm off before it even made a sound and when for a shower as she was getting out the shower she heard her mum shout.

Brooklyn are you up you won't want to be late for school and don't for get you have practice after school.

Yes mum am up just getting dress from shower I will be down.  A minute.

Ok Brooklyn don't for get your breakfast and make sure u take ur training bag everything's bags everything's In there for you I will be home late from woke tonight like be you sweetie.

Ok mum no problem thank you and will see you tonight love you too.

So Brooklyn got her thing eat her breakfast the she when out to her Lamborghini and set off to school to meet up with her bst friend Cody once she pulled up in the school and parked her car she got out and made her way into school as she was walking to her locker she heard her name being shouted so she turned around to come face to face with Cody

Hey Brooklyn how are you this morning he asked

Hey Cody am good just about to set ff to class before bell goes don't want to get in trouble and miss out on soccer after school

Ok brook I will catch u at lunch bye

Bye Cody and don't be bunking off with the boyfriend

Haha Brooklyn you know we don't do that anymore after we got caught making out behind the gym.

Haha good one bye Cody.

So Brooklyn walked off to class it felt like the day dragged on but it's nw end of school and Brooklyn walking into the changing rooms put on her kit and when off on to the field and started her warm up she was always first there and last t leave coach always left her to do her thing until everyone ways there and did there warm ups the she would call Brooklyn back but this time coach came out with all the girls and shouted for Brooklyn to come over when she got there she realised that coach wasn't alone no she was stood with carli Lloyd and Morgan Brian.

Brooklyn came up to coach and asked coach what's up and coach just said to sit with other girls for a minute the she can carry on

Coach so girls as you can see we have a couple of USWNT player her today to watch you and to keep and eye out for any talent to inform there coach so everyone up and start your stretching Brooklyn can you come here for a moment please

Brooklyn yes coach

Coach I just wanted to introduce you to both the girls they will be watching you closely and then talking to coach Jill Ellis about you so I want you to do what you always do.
Do your own thing like you always do before I call you back

Brooklyn yes coach and it's really nice to meet you both

Carli it nice to meet you to Brooklyn
Mogan yes it is so let see what you can do kid.

Brooklyn ok cool bye thank coach

So Brooklyn when on and did as she always did and done her own stretches and warm up.

Carli coach why is Brooklyn doing warm ups like we do in camp.

Coach all I know is since she has been on this team from a young age she has always down those warm ups and no one can stop her she's amazing in every way she's n soccer u will see what I mean soon

Carli ok coach lets see what this kid can do.

Coach ok girls bring it n we are doing a 11v11 captains are Brooklyn and sammy.

So they split into team and got o. The feild Brooklyn in her forward spot the coach blue the whistle and the game started.

As the game when on its way both carli and Morgan's jaw hit the floor they couldn't believe when they were seeing this kid could run and control a ball like no one they have see before

Carli hey coach I will be right back.

Coach ok no problem

Carli walked off pulling out her phone and calling Jill ellis right away.

Carli hey Jill

Jill hey carli hows thing going at the school

Carli it's going great I just need to ask you something have your u heard for a girl named Brooklyn love

Jill n I can say I have why

Carli well coach I think you should start looking at her she 17 and I can tell you now I have never seen anyone as fast or as skill on a ball than I have with her

Jill wow ok if this is coming from you I want to fine out everything you can and send me some video of her playing can you do that

Carli yea coach am watching her now I will record her and send it to you

Jill ok thanks carillon good luck bye

Carli bye coach

Carli finished her call and when back to the coach and asked if she could video to send to her coach and she said it was fine so carli videoed them playing and sent it to coach Jill along with all the info on Brooklyn love.

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