Part 36

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Mal starts to wake up she notice Brooklyn is waking up too she turn in her arms and kisses her.

Mal morning baby happy birthday.

Brooklyn morning princess and thank you.

Mal ok baby am going to go make your shake for you why don't you jump in a shower and meet me in kitchen after love you baby

Brooklyn ok babygirl I will be down in 10 mins and I love you too

Mal get up out of bed she slips on Brooklyn's boxers and t shirt from last night once in she heads down to kitchen to see Ali making coffee and Brooklyn shake for her

Mal morning Ali you didn't need to do that I was just coming to sort it out she just in a shower

Ali turns seeing what mal got on and the 2 hickeys on her neck she giggles and turns back round before talking

Ali I don't mind at all I thought it would give you girls some more time together I know you need to head out soon and I put the car at side of house so she can't see it

Mal thank you Ali I will just grab those and head up and jump in a shower then we need to show Brooklyn her car so I can slip out am meeting Carli hope Ali ash Alex and tobin just after I pick up the puppy.

Ali that's fine me and the boy are going to distract her if she asks where you went I will say you went to grab some milk for the shop or something

Mal thanks Ali am going to head up now.

Mal heads up to there room she puts down there drink and head to there closer she grabs a nice pair of jeans and a button up shirts and place them in bed for Brooklyn as well as some boxers and socks once sorted she grabs her own close just as she finishes Brooklyn walks out with just a towel on mal spins around to the bathroom door when she heard it.

Mal hey baby your mum was already up and had made our drinks for us I put some clothes on bed for you.

Brooklyn thank you babygirl are you going to jump in a shower now

Mal yea baby just a quick one

Mal give Brooklyn a kiss and head in for a quick shower once she finishes she comes out to see Brooklyn sat in her boxers and sports bra looking at her phone

Mal baby you need to get ready your still in you boxers and bra

Brooklyn sorry baby my phone started blowing up by all the girls wishing me happy birthday hell there all up early

Mal most of them probably have training early

Brooklyn yea your right baby ok so what we up to today.

Mal well first let get your clothes on them then head down to see your mum and the boys.

Both mal and Brooklyn got dressed as alway mal has on one of Brooklyn's t shirts with a pair on jean shorts and the new custom shoes Brooklyn got her Brooklyn put hers on two and once ready they headed down to the lounge.

Ali happy birthday babygirl

Brooklyn thanks mum where the boys at

Ali there just grabbing a drink they should be here any second

Just as Ali finishes talking the boy come in a soon as they see Brooklyn they shout happy birthday to her she tells them thank you mal checks the time and notices she need to hurry up to go pick up the girls and puppy she looks at Ali who also notice the time.

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