Part 65

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They where all backstage in a dressing room mal was feeding Ashley and Brooklyn was feeding Mckenzie as she will only let Brooklyn feed her as her little hand rests on her mamas abs just like her mummy does as they was just finish feeding the kids there was a know on the door ash got up and opened it to find both Ellen and Demi stood there

Ash hi come on in am ash that's Ali you know who brooklyn and mal are and these to little cuties are Ashley in mal arms and Mckenzie in Brooklyn's arms

Ellen hi nice to meet you all and am sorry it's under these matters

Mal it's fine I thought it was funny when I was reading the paper as I walked into the kitchen Brooklyn thought I gone mad till I showed her the paper

Demi you was laughing hell even if I knew it wasn't tire I still would of been pissed

Mal yea I was laughing because Brooklyn does go anywhere with out me or one of the girls for the team since we been together she only ever been on her own 2 hours most and it would take her longer to get to where the girl lives which is near her mum and that it's self takes over 2 hour flying so yep it funny that she thought because Brooklyn has money and fame that she could just tell people she carrying her baby when am the only person Brooklyn has ever been with just like she is for me we don't do that to each other we got brought up to respect the people we love and care for

Ellen wow I can't wait to see all the peoples faces when they hear what you have to say are you going on stage as well mal

Mal yea I want to show everyone that I love my wife and she loves me and that she would never do anything to hurt me or our kids

Demi how old are they

Mal that the funny thing I sat last night and worked out and if that girl was carrying Brooklyn's baby she must be very magic because she was with me as I was giving birth to our girls there just over 5 months now so it's around the same time this girl is saying she slept with Brooklyn and she only left my and the kids side to pop to shop or to train in our gym

Ellen well let see these two little cuties then

Mal passes Ashley to Ellen and Brooklyn passes Mckenzie to Demi and just like everyone else who hold them they both turned to mush looking into there baby blue eyes

Demi there so cutie I can't believe how easy you get lost in the eye there going to break some hearts when there older

Brooklyn not a chance no boys or girl will go near my baby's ever I will hurt someone

Mal walks over to Brooklyn seeing her get worked up she places her hand on her stomach and moves it down she lifts her shirt and places her hand on her abs running her nails over them she feels Brooklyn relaxing as Ali seems to be doing the same with ash Ellen and Demi watch as both Brooklyn and ash become putty in there wife's hands

Mal calm down baby no one will ever hurt our baby's you know that we have you and ash protecting them

And just like that Brooklyn was calm mal looks over to Ali and nods her head and nods back letting her know ash is calm too now

Demi well I have never seen someone never mind two people calm so quickly before you guy got magic touch

Ali no it just these two have become very overprotective more since the girls was born and before that mal had both of them scared for there life's I have some videos of them it was so funny when they tried to piss mal off when she was pregnant she even locked them out it sports bar and shorts with no shoes for over a hour because they forgot to go and get her Burger King and it was freezing out let's just say they spent a lot of time sleeping on sofa even ash I just could stop laughing my head off and the shopping we got to do amazing

Demi so you two got scared of little mal wow ok I so want to see those videos and fine my self a girl who would treat me like you treat mal and ash treats Ali everyone I meet only seems to want to go out with me for fame

Ali well how do you feel about soccer player because I think we might have the girl for you

Ash/ Brooklyn who

Mal you two are so oblivious even I know she talking about christen you two go settle the kids me Ali and the girls need a girly talk quickly thank you love you baby

Brooklyn love you too baby come on ash let's get them set so we can get on with this show

Ash and Brooklyn grabbed the kids off Demi and Ellen and as always Brooklyn has Mckenzie in her arms and as soon as she there her little hand goes to Brooklyn's stomach

Demi I see the little one take after her mummy she looks like she does that a lot

Mal she does since the day she was born she does get it off me I have a habit of resting my hand there two when I go to sleep I always done it since before we even got together I use to share a bed with Brooklyn because me being there ment she would sleep all night long instead of having to get up and go to the gym at 3am just to kill energy she has ADHD really bad and is on meds and stuff but it's calmed down a lot since we got together and had the kids she spends a extra hour in the gym in a morning to help she been amazing since the day I met her and I know she would never hurt me or our kids she won my dad over straight away and instead of my dad asking to talk to her to be the overprotective dad she went up to him and asked him to go on a walk to talk to him about me and he was so shocked at first but once they talked them two get on so well she bought him his dream car for his birthday and am telling you now he don't let no one touch it and tells all his friends how is daughter in law bought him it my mums not even aloud to go in it at all he proud of Brooklyn and he even rang me yesterday and asked why that girl was lying about Brooklyn he was more upset that someone was luring than he did believe it he know she would never hurt me like that and so does everyone else so I don't even know why the papers even wrote they lie in the first place Brooklyn even going to sue them but the money will being going to the centre Demi was at she does want the dirty money and because Demi aloud us to squeeze in to her slot as well she only thought it would be right in donating it which am happy about we don't need the money she a billion air at 18 years old she don't need anything from them liars she so amazing she just gave my sister her dream job she always wanted and that to run her own day care we bought a hotel in Cali and that's where she going to be going she done so much to show my family she would always love and protect me and our kids so she has a heart of gold and some little slapper is trying to hurt her by lying not happening she my life and so are my girls and won't let anyone hurt them either so things girl better watch out because if Alison get a hold of her before any of us she going to wish she ran into me first Brooklyn mum is far from happy about it and Brooklyn only ever spoke to the girl once when she tried to get Brooklyn to go to a party when they was in school together and Brooklyn only ever said no to her and that was it so this girls got some nerves thinking Brooklyn would go along with her i know my wife don't like to see anyone hurt or anything but she would rather tell the world the truth to stop it hurting me and our girls than let some random girls who slept with half her school lie about her 

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