Part 69

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Mal has been up for half hour since the girls wanted feeding she let Brooklyn sleep longer knowing her and ash will be doing all the Harvey lifting they spoke yesterday and sorted it out that Ali and mal will take the kids and ash and Brooklyn will sort out all the bags and the kinds pushchair Brooklyn got mal a new on where you just need to slot there car seats straight into it she looked at the time and place Ashley back into her cot and heads to her and Brooklyn's room Brooklyn is still sleeping laying on her back so mal walks up to there bed and climbs on top of Brooklyn straddling her she runs her nails along Brooklyn's abs down to the V and back up again she leans down and kisses her wife to which Brooklyn kisses her back right away once air is needed they pull away

Brooklyn good morning baba

Mal morning sexy

Brooklyn how are the girls is anyone else up

Mal kids are goods all fed and dresses Ali and Demi are up making breakfast don't worry Ali is making your and ash protein shake I set you clothes out for you baby ur spider-man boxer with your white nike tracksuit bottoms and your blue nike with you blue plain t shirt also your white SnapBack as well the girls are in there little pink tracksuit as well with there new pink Nike's as well ash is wearing same as you and me and Ali are pinching yours and ash's t shirts and we have some jean shorts as well

Brooklyn ok thank you baba I need to have a shower want to join me

Mal as much as I would love to baby I need to grab the girls and wake ash up on way Ali asked me too while her and Demi started breakfast how about tonight we have some us time bri is having the girls tonight remember

Brooklyn sounds like a good idea baba how about I take you out for a date tonight I hear there's a fair bit far from the hotel and I know you love them

Mal really baby yes sound amazing I can't wait

Brooklyn get up and kisses mal once more telling her she can't either and heads off for a shower mal when and got ash up and grabbed the kids and made her way down stairs to let Ali know ash is having a shower and getting ready just like Brooklyn once they are done mal and Ali head up and have a shower and get ready they all have matching sunglasses on and ash and Brooklyn made sure all bag are packed in the cars and they all set off to the air port once there they went straight to the runway in the cars and once there one of the men who work there grabs there bags and pushchair and puts it all onto the plane as everyone get in and takes there seats mal and Brooklyn place the kids car seat and belts them into place Brooklyn hade a safety thing put in that will make sure the kids are protected and safe if anything happens to the plane so no matter what if anything happens there is a auto alert that activate it so the kids are safe mal was so happy when Brooklyn told her about it

Once at the air port there meet by bri at the bottom of the plane she has two cars with her she goes straight to her neice and bypasses everyone else

Mal hi big sis nice to see you too

Bri yea yea you to now let me see my fav girls

Ash alway knew I was your fav bri

Bri dream in ash am talking about my neice not you 

Everyone laughs and head towards the cars Brooklyn and ash loaded all the bags up and got into the car with bri she in the back with the kids she chucks the keys to brooklyn telling her she can drive mal just laughs and gets into the passenger side of the car after Brooklyn opened the door for her ash Ali and Demi all got into the other car to which ash is driving bri had got one of there workers who was heading to the airport anyways to drive one of the cars there for them

Once in the cars they set off to the hotel once there bri got them all there room keys and lets them know that the team will be there in a few hours and that they sorted out meeting room 1 for the team to meet in and that jill called ahead to make sure everything was in place she also showed them the new day care centre that look amazing so there happy with that once that done she takes them all up to there rooms there all on the same floor which is all on the 10th floor the team is all on that floor as well so it help the team staff are all on the floor below so that helps and there is a room set up for the equipment the team will need

Brooklyn bri did they mange to finish off the soccer part on the roof yet

Bri they finished it this morning and told me to tell you that it can't be touched for 24 hours it's all fenced in so the balls don't go flying off the roof and it also has lights up there as well they also told me to tell you that the pool up there is finished and can be used anytime now

Brooklyn thanks bri

Bri smiles at her and tells her is no problem mal is unpacking for them so bri grabs the kids bags for the night and tell mal and Brooklyn she taking the girls now and she will bring them back tomorrow morning mal and Brooklyn kisses both girls and makes sure bri know what they need and how Mckenzie will only sleep with her hand on Ashley stomach like but that it could take sometime for her to go to sleep as she will only go to sleep for Brooklyn and that if there any problems to give them a call she sends them off to go meet up with the team for few hours before Brooklyn takes mal on there date

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