Chapter 16: A Look Into The Past

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A knock came to my door as I stirred myself awake. “Urgh… who the hell?” I decided to glance over at my clock. It took a second for my groggy eyes to focus in on it. “10? Huh..” I sighed, getting up to pull on a shirt and a pair of underwear before stepping downstairs to see who it was. ‘It’s probably Axel.’ I thought to myself opening the door to no surprise seeing my black furred friend standing before me.

“You’re a bit later than usual.” I commented.

“Well.. Knowing you, I’d have gotten my face ripped off if I’d come any sooner.” He said awkwardly enough to cause a chuckle.

He’s usually got a really good poker face but this time I think he genuinely thought I’d do that. Him acting as serious as he usually does isn’t always the best thing. He has yet to get his ass kicked so I think he’ll survive. I welcomed him in and turned on the stove for some breakfast.

“Hey, I already ate man, it’s all good.”

“Right.. Well, you know. I’m not used to the whole, ‘just me’ situation.”

Suddenly a few sharp raps at the door came and I blurted out, “What?”

I had already started pancakes so I told Axel to keep an eye on them while I checked the door.


I got up and took over on the stove as I heard the door open. ‘I hope it’s not Ethan, Kim, or Kylee. That wouldn’t help the situation at all..’ Blake hated being pitied. At least that’s what he said and showed. I’m not so sure though.

I heard a gasp. Whether from Blake or our “guest” I wasn’t sure.

“Axel! I uh.. I need some time to myself. Just turn off the stove and take off the cooking pancake.”

I did as I was told. I don’t know who it was or what they’d said.. But there was a sense of hostility in Blake’s voice. As I took the pan off the burner and went to the door, I saw a woman, a panther with pink outlines. Like Felix but more. She seemed in dismay. It took a moment to click, ‘That’s Felix’s mother!’ I thought to myself leaving in silence.


“What are you doing here..?” I asked irritably. I wasn’t worried about my attire but it obviously bugged her. I scowled and asked again. “I said wha-” She cut me off.

“I heard what happened…” She started to well up. I’ve got a bit of a bone to pick with her but I wasn’t going to be that guy. I knew exactly how she felt. I stepped aside and let her in with a sigh.

“Get comfortable, I’ll finish making pancakes and make some tea. I think we have a lot to talk about.” She silently sat down in the living room. I went into the kitchen and finished making some pancakes. As I brought them out, she stepped into the kitchen.

“It would be rude of me to eat in your living room.” She insisted. As much as I clearly didn’t care, I would do what made her more comfortable.

We ate in silence for quite some time. But I had one question still not really answered.

“I still want to know why you’re here.” I said this in a sort of gruff tone. I didn’t want to, but I couldn’t help it.

“I wanted to… apologize… I know that I’ve been horrific to Felix… It’s inexcusable… But… I’m glad he found you..”

My jaw almost dropped. I was in a bit of amazement. My fork hit the plate with a clank and I looked down feeling a bit shy. I turned and put my dishes into the sink. She arose and padded over to me and I spun around. She held onto my paw and looked into my eyes. “Be good to him and take good care of him.. But leave some of the spoiling to me.” She let out a giggle as well as I.

“It takes a lot of courage to confront a wolf after something like that.” I say sarcastically. “But fine, I’m still gonna spoil him a little bit at least.”

“Just wait until you get married.” She shoots back.

‘WAIT WHAT?! She just said that… Wait.. my mouth is open..’ I closed it and gulped with my face and ears feeling hot.

“I don’t want him too far from normal, ya hear?” Keep in mind.. This is the woman that abused him.. It's like she did a total 180. I just hope she got the wake up call she needed.

-A Few Hours Later-

“Blake.. Is it?”


“Do you mind if we were to get to know each other over the time we can? I don’t want to be stuck alone worrying about our Felix in the hospital.” She can be real mushy when she tries to be. ‘She said… Our…’ That made me feel a bit uneasy but it was a nice thing to hear.

I nodded with a smile and we said our goodbyes.

-Back At The Hospital-


“Sh..She-She..” Blake pulled me into a tight embrace where I could feel his warmth as my eyes streamed water down my face seemingly endlessly. I don’t think I could have believed it if it had come from anyone else. After years… It’s finally over.. ‘Wait.. Did he say something about marriage?’ I tucked myself into his chest in embarrassment. My pink spots turning darker pink as well as my face reddening over.

He loosened up but I felt his hand gently rub my back, “Is something the matter, Felix?”

“Nuh uh!” I said cheerfully and shook my head. We grinned at each other. Were his teeth always that bright? I realized I haven’t brushed or bathed since being here and quickly shut my mouth. I opened it again to ask, “What else happened over the summer?”

“Well, besides what i told you already… I kept everyone away pretty much except texting so i could get to reminisce about you with her. She’s totally a different person. She uh.. Yeah.. She has a lot of regrets now. You know?” I nodded. I knew exactly what he meant. I made a regretful realization soon after we had gotten together… I think he was thinking about the same thing because he was totally spacing out.

“Hey! Earth to Fluffy!” We laughed a little bit until I coughed. It wasn’t a pleasant cough either. It sounded like pneumonia. I winced and clutched my chest.

“Are you alright?” Blake asked worriedly.

“I’ll be okay. Just a cough. I'll get better.”

I sat up slowly easier than usual. I slowly put weight on my feet. I stumbled into Blake and balanced myself. That is… If you count balancing yourself by putting your full weight into someone’s chest. I giggled. I don’t know how I lasted so long without this. I nuzzled his chest softly.

“Heheh, hey! You know that tickles!” I snickered. I knew it did, but I loved it anyway. I made my way for the bathroom to clean myself up.

I took off my little “gown” and looked in the mirror. My teeth were gross. Tinted a fair yellow like an avid smoker, except, I don’t smoke. I brushed for a little longer than you’d usually do to make them shine a bit more. At least as best as I could. I checked again and smiled. They were looking much better. It's going to take some more regular brushing and some charcoal toothpaste to make these shine again.


I wanted to go in there and help Felix wash up. It’s best I don’t. It looks like a small space, not to mention my “urges” aren’t getting any better. I’ve been having these most of the summer since Felix’s mother mentioned it. Wait until marriage. She explained a little later. She was a bit religious, which didn’t make sense at all considering how she acted before. I always get a little excited to know I’m getting a little support. I keep telling myself ‘a promise is a promise’ to help myself resist. Besides, he turns 18 just before the end of the school year that’s coming. Good timing I’d say

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2019 ⏰

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