About me

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Hi, I'm a trans guy.

I'm almost 17 years old in high school in North America. That's as personal as I will get. Really narrows it down doesn't it?

Side note: Holy shit I'm almost 17? I'm getting old.

In this story I'll be detailing some of the hardships of being trans and my personal views on being trans and talking about personal dysphoria.

This is hard to write about, I normally try to be stealth I don't like people to know I'm trans. For not being on T I pass fairly well but dysphoria sucks ass and I still feel like I do not pass and it leads to terrible thoughts. It's 3am and I can't get it off my mind now so it's really bad.

I just want people to be able to read this and learn especially if you're questioning you don't have to agree with my views or anything but if anyone is questioning and just needs someone to talk to message me or comment and I'll try to respond in a timely manor. I won't be rude no matter what because I get it I really get it.

I wish I had something like this when I was questioning and freaking out it would've helped a lot but everyone is different so... yeah.

Love you guys, fuckimaguy.

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