06 - Finding Out The World Is Gonna End From A Kid

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17 Years Ago

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17 Years Ago

Abigail was currently in Vanya's room. Abigail was fiddling with sand that was floating in between her hands, cross-legged on Vanya's bed whereas Vanya was playing her violin at her sister's request.

Abigail was training herself to be more skilled in dealing with sand. She was more sluggish with controlling sand than she did with dirt or rocks since it was looser in comparison. She was making a gift for Five but was unsure of what to make for him since his tastes were minimalistic and didn't have much interest in personal possessions.

A ring of a bell caught their attention and they stopped what they were doing. Vanya put her violin away while her sister put away the sand back into a container no larger than a shoebox and tucked it away. They both headed downstairs as did their other siblings.

They all headed to the dining room where Mom was standing at the entrance. Abigail smiled in greeting which she returned. The siblings went behind their respective seats and stood behind their chairs with their hands on them, waiting for their father.

Sir Reginald Hargreeves arrived shortly after and stood behind his chair that was at the front of the table. He looked around and confirmed that the children were present and at the correct seats. "Sit."

At his word, they all sat and began eating. Luther, Diego, and Five were seated on Sir Reginald's right while Abigail, Allison, Klaus, and Ben sat on his left. Vanya was at the end of the table, opposite to Sir Reginald. Abigail was the only one in the seat closest to her father.

Luther and Allison were looking at each other like lovers do. Abigail saw and wondered whether her father noticed but didn't acknowledge it or if he was oblivious to it.

Diego was carving something into his chair's arm with his knife. Five was glaring intently at his father with a tight smile. Klaus was discretely rolling a joint under his table. Ben was reading a book, not caring that Klaus was rolling a joint beside him. Vanya and Abigail seemed to be the only ones that were simply eating and in their own little worlds.

Vanya noticed Five glaring at their father and so had Abigail and their father. Five seemed to realize that despite his glare, his father wouldn't speak. Frustrated, Five stabbed the table with his knife, catching the attention of his family and they lifted their heads in his direction. "Number Five?" Sir Reginald asked.

"I have a question," Five asked through gritted teeth.

"Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know that rules. No talking during mealtimes. You are interrupting Herr Carlson," Sir Reginald said.

Not caring, Five continued notwithstanding his father's rule. "I want to time travel."

"No," Reginald said instantly.

"But I'm ready. I've been practicing my spatial jumps, just like you said." He stood up and spatial jumped to his father's side to prove his point. "See?"

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