9. Selfish

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"SHIT!" Namjoon shouted loud enough only for Jin to hear and he hid under the table. He looked at Namjoon, baffled and bent down to his level. "What are you doing??" He asked him, while he tried harder to fit himself under the table. "That's jeon fucking jungkook!" Namjoon said. Jin looked up and saw jungkook sitting there with his brother, they both chatting away. He looked back at Namjoon with a confused look.

"Oh yeah I know. Are you his fan? Do you want me to introduce you to him?" Namjoon scoffed at jin and whisper shouted. "Fan? Please. He's my fucking ex!" Jin widened his eyes and went even more under the table. Did he hear it right?

"Oh shit! I wasn't supposed to say that! Don't tell anyone! Please!" Namjoon said, looking a bit weary.

"Shut up! Your the guy that jungkook dated!?." Jin asked, shocked at namjoon's confession. He nodded shyly. Jin face palmed himself internally and wanted to jump of a cliff.

I can't believe I fucked jungkook's ex! Omg he is going to kill me.

"I can't see him! Not now! It's been so long I can't face him!" Namjoon said, trying his best to stay under the table. Jin frowned. "Why? Didn't you guys end on good terms?" He asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Ppfft please that selfish bastard left me for his career and never even called me once after he became successful. I hate him I don't want to see him!" He whisper shouted. Jin widened his eyes. Jungkook told them that him and his ex ended things on Mutual basis. Did he lie? He frowned at namjoon's confession.

Just as they were about to run away from there, the waitress came in. She looked at them weirdly before regaining her posture. "Here is your meal Mr. Kim seokjin." She said in a happy and loud voice so that others knew she got a chance to serve Jin.

Jin groaned internally and Namjoon hid his face in jin's shoulder. They both got up and sat on the chair, before they could eat they were approached by a cheerful taehyung and a perplexed jungkook. "Hyung! Your here too! I came here with jungkook." He sat down without an invitation, why does he need one? After all Jin is his brother.

Jungkook, on the other hand, stood there flabbergasted. He looked at Namjoon and a sudden feeling of guilt took over him. He said a small hi to the two and pretend he didn't know Namjoon, which did hurt the aforementioned.

"This is Namjoon. Jin hyungs translator! He will travel with Jin to US, Japan, UK etc. So cool right!" Tae said to jungkook who looked at Namjoon, once again shocked and nodded his head.

Jin, on the other hand, looked like he was about to rip jungkook's head apart. First, he lied about having a mutual break up. Second, he had the nerve to pretend he didn't know Namjoon when it clearly hurt him. But jin wasn't going to stay quite now, was he?

"You know Namjoon here knows 4 languages?" Jin said, grinding his teeth as he did. Namjoon looked at jin. What on earth was he up too?

"O—oh." Jungkook managed to say, just poking at his food and not eating. "Yeah..... Also 4 years ago some dumb fucking bitch ass hoe left him for his career and never even tried to contact him." Jin said, glaring at jungkook with the most threatening eyes.

Jungkook just stopped picking on his food and looked down in shame. He figured that jin knew and he sure as hell didn't want to look at him, if he wanted to die from a death glare.

Taehyung gasped at jins remark. Unable to understand the situation, he started to comfort namjoon. "Oh... Don't worry Namjoon, they are not worth it. That person is an ass for leaving you. Honestly who does that. Humpf!"

Jungkook looked like he wanted to yeet himself out of the window. Before he could say anything Namjoon stood up excusing himself and left the hotel with jin tagging along, not before pinching jungkook's arm, making him yelp, and whispering. "You better fucking explain or I'll cut your dick off."

Namjoon walked till the exit and stopped when he saw a huge crowd of men and women standing outside, along with a few people with cameras. News travels fast and some how people got to know Jin was here in the restaurant. Jin walked up to Namjoon patted his shoulder to get him out of his trans.

Jin walked first, his bodyguards holding the crowd in place and walked away. He assumed Namjoon would be behind him, but when he turned around he saw Namjoon looking lost and hyperventilating.

No.... Don't leave me! No.....

His eyes were blurred with tears, and Namjoon tried his best to get away from the crowd, but was unfortunately trapped right in the middle. He put his hands on his ears trying to block out any sounds and tried to stop himself from crying.

Stop!....... Don't go... Mom...

Jin soon caught on to what's happening. He knew something was wrong and did not hesitate to run towards Namjoon completely forgetting about the crowd. He was about to pull him away from the crowd, but jungkook beat him to it and pulled Namjoon by his hand, dragged him through the crowd and went inside the car, shutting the door. Jin soon followed along with tae. Jin sat next to Namjoon and tae sat in the front seat looking back at the three. The driver started the car and soon they were out of sight.

Namjoon was hugging jungkook, his legs on his, burying his face in his neck and crying. Jungkook was rubbing his back soothingly and whispering Comforting words to him. Jin looked taken aback and so did tae. They had no idea what happened.

"What's wrong with him?" Jin asked, worried and still in shock. Jungkook sighed and didn't say anything. He picked up a bottle of water and offered it to Namjoon. He shook his head and buried his face further into his neck.

Jin and tae just looked at each other unaware of what to do. "Is he okay?" Tae asked, looking at jungkook. "I don't think I should be the one answering your questions. Ask joon." Tae furrowed his eyebrows.

Joon? Did they know each other?  If they did, why didn't jungkook say anything?

"Also Jin hyung, make sure to keep him away from crowded and congested places." Jin nodded and looked at Namjoon who had finally stopped crying and had passed out. Tae looked at jungkook as he hugged him like he is the most precious thing in the world, while Jin looked like he wanted to yeet jungkook out of the window.

"Am I missing something?" Tae asked as he eyed jungkook, aka muscle man, go soft for namjoon, his brothers translator. "This fucking selfish bastard dated namjoon and left him for his career." Jin said, and pulled joon gently away from jungkook making him rest on his chest. He tried to pull him back, but Jin swat his hands away. "Why do you care now? You didn't even call him once." Jungkook looked angry. Sure he didn't call or talk to him, but that didnt mean he didn't care "You know damn well this line of work I can't date anyone! Especially a guy!"

"Then why did you lie to us about your mutual break up!? You told me he was okay with it! He literally tried to hide himself from you! I don't know how much you lied, but if Namjoon is as you described, then you're a selfish ass hole." Jin said. Namjoon moved a bit closer to Jin and hugged him like a koala (which are functionally fucking extinct!!). Tae cooed at the sight and giggled at namjoon's cute actions.

"I didn't want you guys too know." Jungkook said softly, trying not to be too loud. He looked at Namjoon and felt a sudden rush of all their happy memories. What he did was mean and selfish, but that didn't mean he stopped loving him.

"But that doesn't change what you did kookie." Tae said. He sighed and turned front, leaving jungkook to his own thoughts.


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