Chapter Two : Hunk

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Lance's suicide plan was simple, and relied on us all to be too busy to even notice his disappearance. I wasn't falling for it for a second. Unlike the others, I wasn't distracted by the Galra. When one of my friends isn't well, I'm always the first to notice. Being the most agile of my best friend, following him to a planet with a harbor demanded no real skill. He was seriously distracted and I kept a firm watch over him as I continued to shadow his every move. I watched intently as he sat on the wooden boards, his legs pulled together and his body taut.

"Hey, bro."

Lance jumped. He turned slowly and faced me, his hands tightening on his bayard.

"Hunk, what are you doing here? Ever heard of me-time?" Lance let out a sharp laugh.

I walked over to Lance and sat beside him, "Nice place. Come here a lot?"

Lance turned away from my light conversation. He was still distracted, and I hate to say it, almost vulnerable in his pain. He flicked out his bayard, and flipped it over in his hand. He was dark and brooding.

"You're gonna be here for a while, Hunk." Lance's voice had a finality to it that made me catch my breath.

"It's okay, man. We haven't hung out for a while! I'll just hang around here."

Lance ground his teeth in frustration. "Not much fun to be around, Hunk. Might as well head back to the castle. I'll see you later."

There are times when I just know when my friend is lying. This is one of those times. "I'll see you later." Yeah right. As if I couldn't see straight through that one.

"I don't mind, Lance. I kinda like the harbour. View's nice and the lapping water feels peaceful. It reminds me of Earth. I think I'll stay."

I could almost feel the cogs in Lance's brain whirring as he tried to think of an exit ticket, something that involved him being alone.

"Okay then. I'll head off. You enjoy the view," Lance stood up and turned to leave. He seemed on the verge of saying something, then stopped. Deftly, I flipped to my feet and placed a hand firmly on his shoulder, preventing him from walking away.

"Let me go, Hunk. I'm not in the mood. I want be by myself," Lance was spitting out the words, his muscles flexing as he restrained himself from slapping my hand away. No doubt he was thinking that was the last memory he'd be leaving me with, and he didn't want it to be something negative.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Lancey," I said softly. Lance tensed up at the nickname I'd often called him when I was younger. I hadn't used it in years, but it was an instant balm to Lance's ever changing cyclic moods.

His eyes finally locked onto mine, and I drew my hand away from his shoulder. He couldn't find the words to tell me to go away, couldn't find the energy or strength to fight me off. He knew I was staying with him and there was no words to dissuade me. Finally, horror came to his expression as he realised I knew.

I knew.

I had figured him out. His expression darkened with shame and he turned away and looked at the water.

"It didn't have to come to this." I said. "Why didn't you talk to us?"

"Are you going to leave or stay. Either way, I'm finishing this." Lance ignored. His determination caught me off-guard. I placed my hand awkwardly on his shoulder again, panicking he might run off at any second.

"I'm staying," I could be just as determined when I wanted to be. "I don't want you going out alone, Lance. Can I have a hug? Just one hug."

His shoulders sank. "Do I have to?"

I nodded eagerly and opened my arms to him. "Come on, Lancey. One last hug."

He didn't realise his mistake until I had him firmly wrapped up and my fingers quickly found the pressure point at the back of his neck. He hadn't even thought of that, had only wanted to placate me enough for him to finish what he'd started.

As he went limp in my arms and I lifted him over my shoulder and carried him back to the castle, I wondered what I was going to say to the others. Lance's body was lighter than it should be. He had been depressed for quite some time, barely touching his food.

As I hefted his sleeping form back to the castle, I heard a gasp from behind me. Keith was shadowing me. Just how long had he been there?

"Hunk? What happened to Lance?" Keith was far from panicking. His eyes had seen it all over the years, and an unconscious friend was a very familiar situation. "Was it the Galra?"

(A/N — Thank you for reading part two of my fanfic! Please leave some feed back! Love you!!)

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