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I got tagged by @Sehun94_galaxy. Wae? T^T hehehe. Thanks anyway *O*

 20 Facts about me

1. My real name is Charlene but my friends call me Cj or Cha cha^^

2. I share the same birthday with Kai. Yehet! Ohorat!

3. I LOVE K-POP. They practically my life. My day wouldn't be complete without listening or watching them. They are actually the reason why my budget was broken, the reason why I have eyebags, why my phone doesn't last for a day and why grades are terrible BUT they are the reason why my life become more colorful and meaningful. And I will never regret that I became a K-POP fan!!

4. I actually have a bad habit of biting my nails when I'm nervous and sitting with my legs spread out like a boy.

5. I HATE girly things. I HATE wearing dresses and heels. I'm a denim jeans, T-shirts and comfy shoes kind of a person. But not being a LADY doesn't mean I'm not a WOMAN.

6. I actually have my own concert hall inside my comfort room.

7. I take 2 hours in preparing for school. And I play with the water first before I take a bath.

8. I always set my alarm clock at 5 am but I always ended up waking at 6 am.

9. I dreamed to be a ninja before. LOL

10. I have a boyfriend. He's really good looking and a good person at the same time. I really love him to the moon and back.^^

11. I'm a shy-type person in real life. Its really hard for me to make friends but when you got to know me, I can promise you that I will always there for you. I noisy and loud when I'm with my friends

12. I'm nerd but I don't wear glasses.

13. I always tease my seatmate when our teacher isn't present yet. Mwahahaha!!

14. I met my boyfriend in Youtube^O^

15. I preferred watching horror, sci-fi or action than a love story movie.

16. I have LAD(Lazy Ass Disease). Is there any cure for this?

17. I often change my mind specially when it comes to clothes.

18. I'm a private person. I don't share secrets to my friends or even on my bestfriend, not that I don't trust them, I just don't feel sharing them. I'm also good at keeping secret.

19. I love to cook but I'm lazy to cook for myself. I worship the person who will ever invented a non-cook spaghetti.

20. My one (or maybe not) and only boyfriend is LUHAN!!! Yup, he's my boyfriend and probably the boyfriend of all the fangirls around the globe.


Thank you for reading this nonsense stuff^^ I'm really horrible at describing myself. Anyways, I'll try to update this story today so please anticipate.


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