CHAPTER V:Make-over

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Hyojin's POV

"Yah, where are we going?" I howled. He looked at me.

"Do you even wear make-up?" He said.

"Sometimes" I shrugged.

"If I wear make-up, people will think I want attention" I uttered.

"Who told you that?" he asked.


After a long awkward silence.

"I'm going to give you a make-over" Luhan finally spoke.

"Mwo? I--I don't want to" I squealed.

"You'll having a make-over whether you like it or not " He said in all seriousness.

"I said I don't want to and that's final ." I said as I cross my hands in to my chest.

>>>AFTER 1 HOUR>>>>

"Somebody please help me!!" I shrieked.

Luhan literally tied me up in the hairdresser's chair. He crouched down holding my hands so I wouldn't run. I kicked him and he groaned.

"Aiish this girl is getting on my nerves" Luhan sttutter.

"Yah, I heard that." I yelled. He took a deep sigh.

"You need to let your hair down even for once" Luhan said calmly as I looked down at him.

He looked at me with those puppy eyes, his doing his best aegyo, Awww ! okay I give up. I sighed and try to calm myself. I felt the women loosen my ponytail. My hair hit my back as I sat their like stone.

"Relax, Hyo Jin she's not going to murder you" Luhan stared at me.

"Hold on" He said as he stand up but I grabbed his hands.

"Where are you going?" I exclaimed.

"I just have to talk to the hairstylist" He smiled and pat my hand.

I relax an inch and leaned into the chair. I don't why I was so freaked out. I looked at Luhan and he is whispering something to the hairstylist, she nodded and approached me smiling.

SELF NOTE- Never trust a smiling woman with scissors.

I looked at Luhan in the mirror and he was sitting now at the back. He was busy playing with his phone. I sighed.

'Why does he doing this for me? Does he like me? or he's just playing around with me?' Those thoughts are keep playing into my mind. I'm still confused on his sudden change.

"All done" the hairstylist said.

Luhan pulled me up and we went out without giving me a second to look on my hair in the mirror.

"Luhan, I wanted to look on my hair." I said as he pulled me into the make-up shop.

"No, I want all to be surprise." he smiled.

"I just want to see it." I mumbled and pout. I reached out to touch it but Luhan smacked my hands. I groaned as he pushes me down into another chair.

"Take care of her" Luhan said to the make-up artist then he take a seat. After he put make-up we went to the dressing room . He handed me a dress black dress and wore it.

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