I Don't Understand A Thing

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I Don't Understand A Thing

One minute, you were right here. I swear I could still smell your scent. And then the next you weren't. Strange isn't it? I just tend to push my luck. I try to do my best I know you're trying to do the same. It's just that we're so bound to make mistakes. People change. Change is a gradual process. It needs time. But your change? It was something I wasn't expecting. It happened over night, out of the blue. I'll be honest with you, I didn't see it coming. Really, I didn't.

I remember our last encounter. It was the first and last time I saw you in months. I was working at a local restaurant just a few blocks away from where I lived. I was just coming out of the kitchen to deliver an order to a customer when you walked in and i could swear my heart stopped beating for a while but then when I saw who your hand was clamped with, my heart fall to the pit of my stomach.

Her hands fits perfectly with yours unlike mine. Mine were slender and tall while hers were perfect. They fit perfectly. I took in your appearance. You wore a faded jeans with a grey T-shirt and a leather jacket. Your feet were covered in combat boots and your hair was nice.

Your eyes were smiling even though you didn't have a smile on your lips. She on the other hand, had a cute white summer dress that she paired with a denim jacket and an ankle boot. Her hair was in a Dutch braid and she looked very beautiful.

None of you noticed me, not that you would I was hideous in that uniform. Nevertheless, I went and delivered the order and went to take your orders. You sat on a corner and started conversing.

"Good evening sir, Ma'am" I smiled at you the best I could when I reached your table. You halted whatever you were saying and turned to order but stopped when you noticed me, "Emma?" You breathed my name as a question and I silently winced.

"Sir" I answered. It was then that she looked at me, "You know her?" She questioned while smiling at me. Oh how I wished she was a bitch so I could hate her but she was nice to me and polite. She wasn't what I was expecting.

"Yes ma'am" I answered. She gave me a warm smile and my insides twisted. She then looked at you, "How?" She inquired.

"A friend" I quickly uttered before you could say anything, "At least he was. We used to know each other" I answered her the best I could without breaking.

She nodded and turned to the menu while you just stared at me. I could see the conflict behind your eyes. They were my favorite. Not anymore.

You ordered, ate and left without saying anything. You didn't even deny it when I said you were a friend. I wished you did but I'm happy you didn't. You are just somebody that I used to know.

And when I went home, I realized the sound I heard earlier was the sound of my heart breaking and at that moment, I came to know that not all monsters have hideous features and scary fangs. Some monsters are hidden behind beautiful faces and arrogant smiles.

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