I Will Be Fine

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I Will Be Fine

Morning came and she woke up. She took a deep breath and went outside to sit down. She stared as the cold wind blew. It brushed pass her and into the trees around her. She didn't feel like talking today. She didn't feel like talking to anyone. She sighed so deep it surprised her.

"I need to go through this day" she thought, "I only have to go through this day. I have to make it"

She never actually felt like that before. Like just living through this day and making it to tomorrow. Something must have happened. She never felt the need to just make it through the day.

She's not that type. She's happy, or so she thought. Maybe she was faking it. Where she lives, you can't be sad. No matter how much you've suffered.

She's only waking up, yet she feels so tired, "I'm so tired" she said to herself, "I'm so tired of all this. The only thing I wanted, I was forced out of it" she hung her head lower and watched as the wind played with her hair.

As if it had hands, running it through her hair down her chin. As if lifting her head and whispering, "Don't give up yet. Things will turn out to be better soon"

But that's only her imaginations. The wind could never speak to her. She's just imagining it.

She sighed yet again and rested her head back in the rocking chair.

"You'll be fine" she felt a hand on her shoulder and she wasn't even alarmed, "I know it" their lips were pressed on her forehead and she closed her eyes. They soon disappeared and she was left with the warmth lingering on her skin.

"I'll be fine" she repeated and smiled, "I'll be fine. I'm sure of it"

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