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I groaned as I got up. I threw on Jeans, a blue hoodie, trainers and sorted out my hair.

I grabbed my bag and phone and walked to school with my brothers.

I saw shinni, April, mona and... karai

She looked tired. She wore a hoodie that hid her eyes so you could only see the bottom part of her face... her cheek had a red mark on it. She had no makeup on.

Shinni looked guilty along with mona, April cried slightly. "Karai we're sorry" April said.

"Shut up already" karai groaned walking away.

"What's up with her?" Ralph asked as we walked up to them.

"We're not allowed to say" shinni said.

"Its private" mona said.

If it affects her health then she better tell me.

I sent a death stare to April. April hid behind mona. "Its her dad" she said. Mona looked away while shinni walked away.

"What does her dad do?" Donnie asked.

"He... he hits her..." mona said. Oh God, I only met her yesterday and I'm already worried.

"Why?" Mikey asked.

"Sometimes he does it for no reason" April said.

I stayed quiet the whole time. But it's my turn. "And she doesn't tell anyone" I mumble, walking after karai.

She stood on the roof, smoking. "What." She asked me. "I don't need help leonardo, I'll deal with my dad on my own"

"Doesn't look like it" I said karai sent me a glare. "Should have told somebody"

"I only met you yesterday."

"And? What's wrong with somebody comforting you?"

"Everything, I don't need it"

"How do you know"

"Stop that"

"Stop what?"

"Stop being nice, I hate it when people are like that" I began to walk to wards her.

"And whys that?" I say reaching for her hood.

"I just don't like it" I pulled it back and growled. Her cheek was all red, a mark on it. Karai looked into my eyes in fear.

"I won't hurt you, tell me why he did that" I said. Karai looked away.

"That's none of your concern" she said, taking a few steps back.

"It is if your getting hurt"

"No it is not" she said walking away.

I groaned. "Karai." I called.

"Leave me alone" she said.

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