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I groaned as we walked to the beach. "How come shinni isn't coming?" I asked April.

"She's already there" she said smirking.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"Nope" she said.

We arrived at the beach. I saw shinni sitting on a towel next to a girl. Shinni was smirking. At the girl.

As we walked closer I saw... the girl was karai... she was on her stomach, the top part of her swimsuit was off and you could her the blue and red dragons on her back.

"Hiya guys" shinni said.

Karai looked up from her phone and groaned once she saw Us. She turned to shinni and glared at her. "There was ko other way to get you to come karai" shinni said innocently.

"Ugh" shr said, burying her face in her arms.

"I know, you hate me"

"Anyway, guys let's set down here and go swimming" April said, throwing her bag on the floor.

I sighed and sat next to mikey. "Dude what of we saw karai's boobs" mikey said.

"Not happening" I said.

"Karai, wanna bet?" Mona asked.

Karai looked up. "On what?" She asked.

"I bet 50 dollars you won't get up and not put the top part of you swimsuit on" mona said.

The boys started to drool. I felt my heart beat fast.

"Your on." Karai said.

Karai sat up but covered her chest with her hands. "Oi that's cheating." Mona said.

"Never set anything about that tho" karai said.

"Yo sexy! Let's see thoughts tits!!" A random guy yelled.

Karai blushed. "FUCK OF PERV!" the girls yelled. Karai went back to laying on her stomach.

Me and my brothers went to the water. "Dude, the girls are looking" donnie said.

I glanced over my shoulder and smirked. Karai was warring her swimsuit, fully and standing.

She was stroking a dog... a husky...

 a husky

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he puppy rubbed against her leg. "Good boy." I heard karai say.

Shinni came up to me and begged me to go in the water. I picked up 'Zordoz' (my big brothers gaming name, hes really popular on BDO, one of the best gamers, just giving him some credit) my puppy and walked with her to the water.

"Aww who's puppy is that?" Mikey asked... it is mikey right?.

"Mine, his name is Zordoz" I said.

"No way!"

"Yes way"

Leo rolled his eyes. "Can he swim?" Donnie asked.

"Yes" i said.

"Puff, every dog can" Ralph said.

"I don't see you swimming" I said.


Leo laughed at my comeback.

"You little-" before Ralph could finish Zordoz began to bark. I smirked.

"He don't like ya bro" shinni said.

Suddenly Zordoz jumped put of my arms and ran towards the water when a huge tide was coming. My eyes widened.

I pushed Leo forward. "GET HIM!!" I yelled.

"Why me?" He asked

"I can't swim" I said.

He groaned and ran forward... he looked so... dreamy hehehe... jeez karai get a hold of yourself.

Leo came back with a wet Zordoz in his arms. Zordoz lazily layed in his arms.

"He Likes you" I said taking zordoz of him.

"Yep" Leo said. Zordoz climbed onto my shoulder and shook his body, shaking the water of him and onto my face. I wiped the water off me.

"Daft dog" I said.

The guys and shinni laughed.

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